Books in Hunt Library to help understand the financial crisis
(for availability and location, please check the library catalog)
Bad money: reckless finance, failed politics, and the global crisis of American capitalism | Phillips, Kevin P. | HC106.7 .P52 2008 |
Bailout nation: how greed and easy money corrupted Wall Street | Ritholtz, Barry | HB3722 .R58 2009 |
Bailouts : public money, private profit | Wright, Robert E. | check for availability |
Ben Bernanke's Fed: the Federal Reserve after Greenspan | Harris, Ethan S. | HG2563 .H34 2008 |
The black swan: the impact of the highly improbable | Taleb, Nicholas | Q375 .T35 2007 |
Bubbles, booms and busts: the rise and fall of financial assets | Rapp, Donald | HG230.3 .R37 2009 |
Collateral damaged: the marketing of consumer debt to America | Geisst, Charles | HG3756 .U54 G45 2009 |
Colossal failure of common sense: the inside story of the collapse of Lehman Bros. | McDonald, Lawrence | HB3722 .M34 2009 |
Confessions of a subprime lender: an insider's tale of greed, fraud, and ignorance | Bitner, Richard. | HG2040 .B58 2008 |
The cost of capitalism: understanding market mayhem and stabilizing our economic future | Barbera, Robert | HB3722 .B37 2009 |
The creation and destruction of value: the globalization cycle | James, Harold | HF1359 .J357 2009 |
The economic crisis and the state of economics | Skidelsky, Robert J. | check for availability |
Empire of debt: the rise of an epic financial crisis | Bonner, William | HB3722 .B658 2006 |
Every man a speculator: a history of Wall Street in American life | Fraser, Steve. | HG4572 .F83 2005 |
A failure of capitalism: the crisis of '08 | Posner, Richard | HB3722 .P67 2009 |
The fall of the house of credit: what went wrong in banking and what can be done to repair the damage? | Milne, Alistair | HG1573 .M55 2009 |
Fear, greed, and panic: the psychology of the stock market | Cohen, David | HG4515.15 .C64 2001 |
FIASCO - the inside story of a Wall Street trader | Partnoy, Frank | HG6024 .U6 P37 |
Financial derivatives and the globalization of risk | LiPuma, Edward | HG6024 .A3 L56 2004 |
Financial shock: a 360 degree look at the subprime mortgage implosion | Zandi, Mark | HG2040.5 .U5 Z36 2009 |
Fixing global finance | Wolf, Martin | HG3881 .W65 2008 |
Fool's gold: how the bold dream of a small tribe at J.P. Morgan was corrupted | Tett, Gillian | HG6024 .U6 T48 2009 |
The forgotten man: a new history of the Great Depression | Shlaes, Amity | E806 .S52 2007 |
Foreclosed: high risk lending, deregulation, and the undermining of America's mortgage market | Immergluck, Daniel | HG5095 .I45 2009 |
Foreclosure of America: the inside story of the rise and fall of Countrywide | Michaelson, Adam | HG5095 .M53 2009 |
The foundations of credit risk analysis | Semmler, Willi. | HG3751 .F68 2007 |
Freefall: America, free markets, and the sinking of the world economy | Stiglitz, Joseph E. | HB3722 .S842 2010 |
The go-go years | Brooks, John. | HG4910 .B74 |
The great crash, 1929 | Galbraith, John K. | HB3717 1929 .G3 1961 |
The great financial crisis: causes and consequences | Foster, J. & Magdoff, F. | HB3722 .F66 2009 |
A history of the Federal Reserve, vol. 1 | Meltzer, Allan | HG2563 .M383 2003 |
House of cards: a tale of hubris and wretched excess on Wall Street | Cohan, William | HG4930.5 .C64 2009 |
The housing boom and bust | Sowell, Thomas | HG2040.25 .S69 2009 |
How markets fail: the logic of economic calamities | Cassidy, John | HB3722 .C37 2009 |
In Fed we trust: Ben Bernanke's war on the great panic | Wessel, David | HG2565 .W47 2009 |
Inside the Fed: monetary policy and its management | Axilrod, S.H. | HG501 .A95 2009 |
I.O.U.: why everyone owes everyone and no one can pay | Lanchester, John | check for availability |
It takes a pillage: behind the bailouts, bonuses, and backroom deals... | Prins, Nomi | HB3722 .P76 2009 |
Last man standing: the ascent of Jamie Dimon and JPMorganChase | McDonald, Duff | HG172 .D495 M33 2009 |
Lecturing birds on flying: can mathematical theories destroy the financial markets? | Triana, Pablo | HG101 .T75 2009 |
Liar's poker: rising through the wreckage on Wall Street | Lewis, Michael | HG4928.5 .L48 1990 |
Liquidated : an ethnography of Wall Street | Ho, Karen Zouwen | HD8039 .S432 U68 2009 |
Managed by the markets: how finance reshaped America | Davis, Gerald F. | HG4910 .D393 2009 |
Manias, panics, and crashes: a history of financial crises | Kindleberger, Charles | HB3722 .K56 2005 |
Meltdown: a free market look at why the stock market collapsed | Woods, Thomas | HB3722 .W66 2009 |
Meltdown: the end of the age of greed | Mason, Paul | HB3722 .M376 2009 |
The mind of Wall Street | Levy, Leon. | HG4910 .L463 2002 |
The myth of the rational market: a history of risk, reward, and delusion on Wall Street | Fox, Justin | HB3731 .F69 2009 |
The new paradigm for financial markets: the credit crisis of 2008 and what it means | Soros, George | HB3722 .S673 2008 |
On the brink : inside the race to stop the collapse of the global financial system | Paulson, Henry | HB3722 .P42 2010 |
The origin of financial crises: central banks, credit bubbles, and the efficient market fallacy | Cooper, George | HB3722 .C66X 2008 |
Other people's money, and how the bankers use it | Brandeis. Louis D. | HG181 .B8 |
Panic: the story of modern financial insanity | Lewis, Michael | HB3722 .P36 2009 |
Paper fortune$ : modern Wall Street : where it's been and where it's going | Smith, Roy C. | HG4572 .S658 2010 |
The partnership : the making of Goldman Sachs | Ellis, Charles D. | HG4930.5 .E45 2008 |
Past due: the end of easy money and the renewal of the American economy | Goodman, Peter | HC106.83 .G66 2009 |
Payback: debt and the shadow side of wealth | Atwood, Margaret | HG3701 .A89 2008 |
Plight of the fortune tellers : why we need to manage financial risk differently | Rebonato, Riccardo. | HD61 .R43X 2007 |
Plunder and blunder: the rise and fall of the bubble economy | Baker, Dean | HG181 .B25 2009 |
Priceless : the myth of fair value (and how to take advantage of it) | Poundstone, William | HF5416.5 .P66 2010 |
The quants: how a new breed of math whizzes conquered Wall St. and nearly destroyed it | Patterson, Scott | HG4928.5 .P38 2009 |
Reminiscences of a stock operator | Lefevre, Edwin | HG4572 .L4 |
The return of depression economics and the crisis of 2008 | Krugman, Paul | HB3716 .K77 2009 |
The road ahead for the Fed | Taylor, John | HC106.83 .R63 2009 |
The spectre at the feast: capitalist crisis and the politics of recession | Gamble, Andrew | HB3722 .G36 2009 |
Street fighters: the last 72 hours of Bear Stearns | Kelly, Kate | HG4930.5 .K45 2009 |
Subprime mortgage credit derivatives | Goodman, Laurie S. | HG2040.15 .S825 2008 |
Subprime mortgages: America's latest boom and bust | Gramlich, Edward M. | HG2040.5 .U6 G73 2007 |
The subprime solution: how today's global financial crisis happened, and what to do about it | Shiller, Robert J. | HG2040.15 .S45 2008 |
Surviving large losses: financial crises, the middle class, and the development of capital markets | Hoffman, Philip T. | HB3722 .H644 2007 |
Synthetic CDO's: modelling, valuation, and risk management | Mounfield, Craig | HG6024 .A3 M69 2009 |
Systemic financial crises: containment and resolution | Honohan, Patrick. | HB3722 .S97 2005 |
This time is different: eight centuries of financial folly | Reinhart, Carmen | HB3722 .R45 2009 |
Time for a visible hand : lessons from the 2008 world financial crisis | Griffith-Jones, Stephany et al | check for availability |
Too big to fail: the inside story of how Wall Street and Washington fought to save... | Sorkin, Andrew Ross | HB3722 .S659 2009 |
Too big to save: how to fix the U.S. financial system | Pozen, Robert | check for availability |
Traders, guns, and money: knowns and unknowns in the dazzling world of derivatives | Das, Satyajit | HG6024 .A3 D377 |
The trillion dollar meltdown: easy money, high rollers, and the great credit crash | Morris, Charles R. | HG4910 .M667 2008 |
The value of nothing: how to reshape market society and redefine democracy | Patel, Raj | check for availability |
Wall Street: America's dream palace | Fraser, Steve. | HG172 .A2 F72 2008 |
When genius failed: the rise and fall of Long-Term Capital Management | Lowenstein, Roger. | HG4930 .L69 2000 |
Why Iceland? | Jonsson, Asgeir | HB3722 .J66 2009 |
A world of chance: betting on religion, games and Wall Street | Brenner, Reuven | HB615 .B733 2008 |
The world is curved: hidden dangers to the global economy | Smick, David M. | HG3881 .S5397 2008 |