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Job search resources@ the Carnegie Mellon University Libraries
(Click on the link for availability and location. If it's checked out, you can recall it by selecting "Hold." If it's an e-book or database, and you're off campus, log in here first.)
Heading for the corporate, government, or nonprofit world? (for more, use these words to search the catalog: vocational guidance)
- The career chronicles : an insider's guide to what jobs are really like : the good, the bad, and the ugly from over 750 professionals
- Hello real world! : a student's approach to great internships, co-ops, and entry level positions
- Guide to America's federal jobs : a complete directory of federal career opportunities (2nd floor of Hunt, JK692 .G85 2009 oversize section)
- Careers in international affairs
Seeking science or engineering? (for more, use these words to search the catalog: vocational and engineering - or science, or technology, etc.)
- What every engineer should know about career management
- Becoming a digital designer : a guide to careers in Web, video, broadcast, game, + animation design
- Great jobs for computer science majors [e-book]
- Alternative careers in science : leaving the ivory tower
- Success strategies for women in science : a portable mentor
Aiming for the arts or humanities? (for more, use these words to search the catalog: vocational guidance)
- Career opportunities in writing
- How to make a living as a poet
- The actor's survival manual
- Career opportunities in the visual arts
- Career paths in psychology : where your degree can take you
- Getting a job in architecture and design
Is finance in your future? (for more, use these words to search the catalog: finance and vocational)
- Investment banking explained : an insider's guide to the industry
- Starting your career as a Wall Street quant : a practical, no-BS guide to getting a job in quantitative finance and launching a lucrative career
- The accidental investment banker : inside the decade that transformed Wall Street
Going into academics? (for more, use these words to search the catalog: vocational and college)
- Aspiring academics : a resource book for graduate students and early career faculty
- What they didn't teach you in graduate school [e-book] : 199 helpful hints for success in your academic career
- From student to scholar : a candid guide to becoming a professor
- On the market : strategies for a successful academic job search
Interview preparation (for more, use these words to search the catalog: employment interviewing)
- Acing the interview [e-book] : how to ask and answer the questions that will get you the job
- Next-day job interview : prepare tonight and get the job tomorrow
- Mastering the case interview : the complete guide to management, marketing, and strategic consulting case interviews
Resumes (for more, use this word to search the catalog: resumes)
- Gallery of best resumes
- Federal resume guidebook : strategies for writing a winning federal electronic resume, KSAs, and essays
- Sales & marketing résumés for $100,000 careers
- 15-minute cover letter : write an effective cover letter right now
In general:
- Career wisdom for college students : insights you won't get in class, on the Internet, or from your parents
- 200 best jobs for college graduates
- Career projections, conditions, training requirements, salary and more in the Occupational Outlook Handbook
- (For the philosophical) The pleasures and sorrows of work
MORE RESOURCES from the Carnegie Mellon Career & Professional Development Center, including
- Links to individual college and department career pages
- Job search links for math and science majors
- Career Success Guides
- Survey results of Carnegie Mellon graduates
Use these databases to get quick background on a company or organization you would like to work for:
- Hoover's Online - includes U.S. public and private, and international companies; company leadership, history and description, financials, products, etc.
- Looking to work at a nonprofit? This free database describes their activities and financial conditions - look for the "form 990." (Free registration required.)
- Use MarketLine database – find your company, and then see the sections on the left – particularly the SWOT analysis and Financial Deals
- Business & Company Resource Center – company basics, histories, and an excellent source for news. articles – find your company and use tabs at the top for many features. Use “Article Search” for smaller companies.
- LexisNexis Academic - has an extensive "company dossier" for thousands of companies. To get it, click on the "Business" tab at the top. All of the sections can be expanded for more information, including the sections at the left.
Use these to find out what’s happening in an industry you would like to work in:
- Standard & Poor's Industry Surveys: NetAdvantage database – use Industries tab at top
- Industry section of Business & Company Resource Center - use both the Overviews and Market Research tabs
- For articles on trends, and coverage of smaller, niche industries, use the “News Sources” section below
- Industry statistics from U.S. Census Bureau’s Economic Programs.
News sources about companies, organizations, and industries:
- Proquest – contains articles in newspapers, magazines, trade publications and scholarly journals.
- Business & Company Resource Center – industry news and journal articles from all over the world
- Lexis-Nexis Academic– has the most wide-ranging international, national and local news.
- - business newspapers for major cities; excellent source for indepth local business reporting
Contact the librarians:
- We're here to help: reference hours, link to chat, email, etc.