One of the technologies I have been working with in the CREATE lab is called Gigapan. I did not help develop it, yet I have been having fun using it. Gigapan is a robotic camera mount that allows users to take breathtaking panorama using hundreds of pictures and billions of pixels.
The amazing part is that it's all taken care of with the push of a few buttons.
In August of 2008 the city of Chicago wanted Gigapans taken of historical sites around the city so they flew four of us in from Pittsburgh so we could take panoramas.
I took a total of 7 shots for them, and 5 more on my own time. Some of these shots will be printed out and placed in Ohara Airport.
A month later, Gigapan was brought back to Chicago for WIRED NextFest 2008. So I flew out to spend a few more days there once again.
I have taken Gigapans in Pittsburgh PA, Niagara Falls CA, and Chicago IL. They can be viewed on my Gigapan page below.
I have also be developing different ways of doing time laps Gigapans.
I have made multicamera rigs, as well out outdoor units that are power by solar energy.
The multicamera rigs have been used around the world to capture some pretty stunning images, and i even got invited to a do a field test of my outdoor rig with NASA in the fall of 2011.