Assigned March 3 - Due March 5
Assigned March 5 - Due March 10
Assigned March 10 - Due March 12
Assigned March 12 - Due March 17
Assigned March 17 - Due March 19
Assigned March 19 - Due March 30
Assigned April 7 - Due April 9
Assigned April 9 - Due April 16
Assigned April 16 - Due April 21
Assigned April 21 - Due April 23
Lemma 1: If P2 is an even whole number, then P is an even whole number.
Exercises: Go to the library or your own bookshelves, and find two definitions, one from a non-mathematical theory, e.g., political science, sociology, drama, etc., and one from a mathematical theory, e.g., calculus, topology, etc. For each definition, write it out and identify the undefined terms just like you did with Euclid's definitions.
Exercises: Study Questions 1 and 3, on page 31 of Glymour, chapter 1.
Exercises: Consider the following problem. Suppose you are on a game show in which there are 3 doors, one of which will contain a terrific prize. The door that contains the prize will be decided randomly before the show, and each door has an equal chance of containing the prize. You are asked to pick a door, but you are not shown what is behind your door. To be concrete, suppose you choose door 1. Your host then shows you one of the doors you did not pick, the only restriction being that the door you are shown is empty. Say you are shown that door 2 does not have the prize. Assuming you want to maximize the chances for getting a great prize: the question is: Do you want to stay with your original pick (door 1) or switch (to door 3)? Pick one of the following answers, and justifiy your pick. Type up your answer and turn it in: A) Stay with original pick (door 1 has a better chance of having the prize than door 3). B) Switch (door 3 has a better chance of having the prize than door 1). C) It doesn't matter (door 1 and door 3 have the same chance of having the prize).
Reading Assignments: Glymour - second half of chapter 2.
Exercise: Get onto the Web, and visit Lets Make a Deal :
Play the game a few times to get the hang of it. Now do the following 2 experiments, record the results in a table like the following, and turn in the table to Andrew Banas.
Shown 2 Empty |
Shown 3 Empty |
Overall |
Switched |
1a) |
1b) |
1c) |
Stayed |
2a) |
2b) |
2c) |
1) Play 20 times. Always choose Door #1 as your first choice. When you are shown an empty door (it has a Donkey), switch for your second choice.
2) Play 20 times. Always choose Door #1 as your first choice. When you are shown an empty door (it has a Donkey), stay with door 1 as your second choice.
Reading Assignments: The Language of First Order Logic, pp. 1-15.
Exercises: Problems 2 and 3, pp. 13,14 in FOL.
Reading Assignments: The Language of First Order Logic, Appendix A.
Exercises : Fill in the <subject 1>, <subject 2> and predicates A and B to provide an example of an argument of the following form which is invalid:
All <subject 1> are A
All <subject 2> are B
--------------------- therefore
All <subject 1> are B
Readings: FOL, through the end of chapter 2 .
Exercises : Problem 5, p. 43
Readings: FOL, pp. 35-44 .
Exercises : Problem 6, p. 44, and problems 12 & 13, p. 49
Readings: FOL, pp. 45-66 .
Readings : FOL, pp. 91-104
Exercises : Complete a truth table for the following sentence:
~((p & q) -> s)
On Smullyan's Island, there are only Knights and Knaves, which are identical in appearance. Knights, however, always tell the truth, and Knaves always lie. Suppose two fellows, call them A and B, come up to you, and A says: "At least one of us is a Knave." What are A and B?
Readings : FOL, pp. 24-30, 58-82
Exercises : Ex. 27, p. 60, Ex. 39, p. 71
Readings : FOL, pp. 99-112
Exercises : Ex. 17, p. 103
Readings : FOL, pp. 115-125
Exercises : Ex. 6, p. 124, Ex. 10, p. 125
Readings : FOL, pp. 125-141
Exercises : Create a Tarski's World that is simultaneously a counterexample to all of the following arguments.
Premise1 Ex Large(x)
Premise 2 Ex Tet(x)
Conclusion Ex[Tet(x) & Large(x)]
Argument 2)
Premise1 Ax[Cube(x) -> Small(x)]
Conclusion Ex[Cube(x)]
Argument 3)
Premise 1 Ex[Dodec(x) & Large(x)]
Conclusion Ax[Dodec(x) & Large(x)
Readings : FOL, pp. 207-226
Exercises : None
Readings : None
Exercises : Prob. 4, p. 211, Prob. 19,20, p. 220
Readings : None
Exercises : Prove the the Integers have the same cardinality as the Naturals
Maintained by: Richard Scheines