80-110: The Nature of Mathematical Reasoning
Spring 1997
Class 2 : 1/16/97
1. History and Abstraction
Mathematics begins with the earliest civilizations 3000-1000
B.C.: India, China, Egypt, and Babylonia
Egyptians: Year 365 days, good approximation of Pi (for
assessing property area for tax assessment), incredible engineering (certain
tolerances in the Great Pyramids are good to 1 part in 27,000. Records
exist from before 3,500 of tallies of over 1 million goats.
Bablyonians developed a base 60 number system, they were
excellent astronmers, and began the field of algebra. They could calculate
interest on loans and had lots of recreational mathematical puzzles.
All of the skill in these cultures was based on practical
needs, however, and rules of calculating and geometrical reckoning, even
though almost always correct, were never ìprovenî to be right
generally. Mathematics, as we know it today, which involves systematic
and rigorous definitions, foundational axioms, and deductive proofs, did
not exist until the 6th Century B.C. in Greece.
Here is a very rough time line of some of the most important
figures in Greek mathematics and philosophy:
Thales (~624 B.C. - 550 B.C.) is considered the father
of deductive mathematics. He was a geometer, and is said to have proved
that all isosceles triangles have equal base angles, that any angle inscribed
in a semi-circle is a right angle. He was the first of a long line of semi-mystical
Greek mathematician-philosophers that travelled to Egypt, Babylonia, and
perhaps India, came home and taught disciples and ran schools.
Although Pythagoras is most famous for the theorem about
the relation between the hypotenuse and sides of right triangles, he was
the center of a cult that was obsessed with questions about number theory.
His groups discovered prime numbers, odd and even, perfect numbers (numbers
that equal the sum of their prime factors, e.g., 6 = 3 + 2 + 1). Little
is actually known about the Pythagorean Brotherhood on the Greek colony
of Croton, but it is conjectured to have engaged in all sorts of ritualistic
practices, encouraged its initiates to become ascetics (denied sleep, rich
food, and other worldly pleasures), and hazed its younger listeners unmercifully.
What is clear is that Pythagoreanism took the phrase ìEverything
is Numberî quite seriously, and in fact believed that the metaphysical
foundation of our world was built on whole numbers. Because everything
is made of eternal and perfect whole numbers, the ratio any two lengths
must be a ìrationalî number: the fraction of two whole numbers.
The discovery of irrational numbers was a blow to the
Pythagorean dream of a metaphysics of whole numbers, but it was accepted
nonetheless, and in this way was perhaps a true beginning of mathematical
Applying the Pythagorean theorem to a triangle made up
of two sides of a unit square and its diagonal, (e.g., triangle B-C-D above)
it can be proved that ratio of the length of a side to the diagonal cannot
be the ratio of two whole numbers. Here is the "demonstration."
Let the length of each side of the square = 1. Call the
the hypotenuse H (the line segment B-D).
1) By the Pythagorean theorem,
H2 = 12 + 12
H2 = 2
H =
2) To do a reductio, assume the opposite of what we want
to prove, i.e., that is rational. If we can derive a contradiction, then
we will conclude that
is irrational. If
is rational, then there exist
whole numbers p and q such that
. Further at least
1 of these numbers must be odd (if they were both even we could divide
them both by 2, and keep doing this, until at least 1 was odd).
3) So , and p2 = 2q2.
4) So p2 is even, and by lemma 1, p is also even.
5) By lemma 2, p2 = 4n, and since p2 = 2q2, 4n = 2q2.
6) Thus 2n = q2, and q2 is even. Again by lemma 1, then q is also even.
7) So we have that p is even and that q is even, contrary
to step 2. Q.E.D.
Legend has it that when the Pythagoreans discovered that
not everything was rational, they swore oaths not to reveal this blasphemy
to the world. Hippasus violated this oath, and was allegedly drowned for
his sin. Not only did this shatter the Pythagorean dream of a "rational"
universe, but Euclid later proved that the essential building blocks of
numbers, the prime numbers, were in fact infinite. Here is his proof, which
again is a reductio.
1) Suppose that the primes are finite.
2) Then the set of all primes P = {P1, P2, ... , Pn}, where Pn is the biggest prime.
3) Create number X that is the product of all the primes + 1,
i.e., X = (P1 * P2 * ... * Pn) + 1
4) Then X > Pn, so X cannot be prime.
5) But if X is not prime, there must be a prime Pi such that X = Pi *Y.
6) But for every prime Pi, when Pi is divided into X,
there will be a remainder of 1, so X has no prime factors, and is therefore
prime, contrary to what we proved in 4. Q.E.D.
2. Assignments
Peterson, "The Burden of Proof," pp. 217 - 220, Reading Packet.
Glymour, Chapter 1 (pp. 3 - 15), Reading Packet.
Type up and turn in Study question 1 on page 15 of chapter
1 of Glymour.