80-110: The Nature of Mathematical Reasoning
Spring 1998
Class 4: 1/22/98
1. Homework
Here is a proof of Lemma 1, which I asked you to prove for homework.
Claim: For any whole number p, if p2 is even, then p is even.
1) Assume that p2 is even.
2) Assume, for reductio, that p is odd.
3) Then there is some whole number r s.t. p = 2r + 1.
4) Thus, p2 = (2r + 1)2
5) p2 = 4r2 + 4r + 1
6) p2 = 2(2r2 +2r) + 1
7) (2r2 + 2r) is a whole number, so there is a whole number
q such that p2 = 2q + 1, thus p2 is odd, contrary
to the assumption in step 1. Q.E.D.
2. The Structure of Mathematical Theories: Axioms, Definitions,
and Theorems
Mathematical reasoning involves more than just deduction. Mathematical
theories are systematized by axioms and definitions in a way exemplified
by Euclid in his famous compilation of geometric knowledge in the Elements.
Euclid's model of a how to structure a mathematical theory still dominates
today. Euclid divided his theory into four parts, each of which he gave
- Definitions
- Common Notions (Logic)
- Postulates (Axioms)
- Theorems
The Definitions are supposed to clarify the concepts used in terms of
primitives that are completely clear and familiar. We will discuss definitions
in more detail later. The Common Notions are to provide rules of logic,
that is, rules for making inferences which preserve truth. The Postulates,
or Axioms, are the substance of the theory. They provide the sum total
of all that one need assume in order to derive the rest of the theory,
which is separated into Theorems.
Thus the Axioms are the substantive foundation for the theory. If you
believe in the Axioms, and the theorems follow deductively from these Axioms,
then you must also believe the theorems. So instead of making us look at
hundreds of pages of claims, propositions, etc., we need only look at the
Axioms and the proofs. Once the proofs are verified as proofs, we can ask
ourselves if the Axioms are worthy of belief.
Axioms are the substantive foundation of a mathematical theory. If you
believe in the axioms, and the theorems truly follow deductively from these
axioms, then you must also believe the Theorems. So in some sense the axioms
exhaust the content of the theory. Euclids theory of geometry had 5 short
axioms, and from these axioms hundreds of pages of theorems follow. The
mathematical theory of probabililty can be reduced to three simple axioms,
yet thousands of pages of theorems follow from them. Instead of making
us look at hundreds of pages of claims, propositions, etc., we need only
look at the Axioms and the proofs. Once the proofs are verified as proofs,
we can ask ourselves if the Axioms are worthy of belief.
Imagine two scenarios. In the first, someone hands you 2,000 pages of
geometry and says they have found the correct theory of space. They ask
you to examine their theory. Do you believe all of its claims? In the second
scenario, someone hands you 1 page of axioms in geometry and an accompanying
1,999 volume of theorems. They ask you the same questions, but assure you
that the 1,999 pages of theorems follow logically from the 1 page of axioms.
In the first scenario your task is almost impossible, but in the second
it is relatively easy.
Euclid's geometry was taken to be the paradigm of a good theory. Kant,
approximately 2,000 years later, asserted it to be the paradigm case of
a synthetic a priori theory, necessary but non-trivial true theory of the
way the world is built. Even so, many mathematicians were unhappy with
the inelegance of the 5th postulate, the infamous "parallel postulate."
The 5th postulate actually says that in constructions of the sort shown
below, if angles A+B < 180o then the lines L1 and
L2 will meet on the right, but if C + D < 180o then
they will meet on the left. The implication is that if, A, B, C, and D
are right angles, and thus A+B = C + D = 180, then they will never meet
For centuries people tried to derive this Axiom from the first four,
thereby eliminating the need for it, but they failed repeatedly. Some actually
spent their lives futilely trying. Finally, in the 19th Century, mathematicians
like Lobachevski, Gauss, and Bolyai showed that in fact the 5th postulate
was independent of the first 4, and there were consistent systems of geometry
in which the first four were true and the 5th false.
For example, consider the geometry of the surface of a sphere. Line
segments can be defined to be the shortest distance between points, which
on a sphere are always part of great-circle, or circumference. Consider
the two lines of longitude L1 and L2 that I show below, upon which the
equator E lies perpendicular. A,B,C,D are all right angles, but lines L1
and L2 meet in two places (at the poles).
Later in the century Rieman showed how to axiomatize a whole series
of Geometries, one of which was Euclidean. A consequence of Euclidean geometry
is that all triangles have 3 angles which sum to 180o.
The triangles on the surface of a sphere sum to more than 180, and those
on a surface like a saddle to less than 180. Einstein's famous theory of
General Relativity made these alternative axiomatizations of Geometry take
on more importance when he conceived of space-time as having a geometry
determined by the distribution of mass and energy. As it turns out, physicists
now believe it is likely that Einstein is right, and the universe we happen
to inhabit is Non-Euclidiean, where the sum of any three angles in a triangle
made up of three lines, where a line is the shortest distance between two
points, is more than 180o.
Many theories have been axiomatized, e.g., Newton's theory of celestial
mechanics, which was modeled on Euclid's Elements. A few other important
theories that have been axiomatized are:
Geometry (Euclid 300 B.C., D. Hilbert (early 20th Century))
Arithmetic (Peano, Dedekind, 19th Century)
Set Theory (Cantor, Zermelo, Fraenkel, early 20th Century)
Probability Theory (Kolmogorov)
Physics (Newton, 17th Centurys; Maxwell, Hertz, 19th Century; Hilbert,
early 20th)
Social Science
Utility Theory (Von Neuman, Morgenstern, middle 20th)
Bayesian Decision Theory (Savage, middle 20th)