Thermal Test 3: 3D Heat
Conduction within a Metalworking Rod
In this example you
will build and analyze a 3D model pertaining to metallurgy. Using ANSYS
will allow you to output the temperature distribution and heat flux, as
well as animate the heat flux over time.
Problem Description:
assume that our rod is made of steel (melting point = 1644 K) and the
molten metal is grade A bronze (at its melting point 1323 K)
units are S.I.
Boundary Conditions:
2) The steel rod is subject to convection with coefficient h =
1 W/m2-K
bulk temperature TB = 322 K
3) The molten bronze is at its melting point of 1323 K
5) The
steel rod (K = 20) has a grip around the end length
of it made of a material with conductivity K = 1
Material Properties:
h =
50 W/(m2-K)
= 20 W/m-K
k(grip) = 1 W/m-K
k(bronze) = 47 W/m-K
To determine the
nodal temperature
distribution and heat flux properties of the rod.
Dimensions – specified below in millimeters

The dimensions of the
drawing are in English because the specs of the phone given on the web
are in English (making the CAD drawing easier to build in English)
ANSYS WITH SI, not English
Note: .1 inch = 2.54
Also, R0.50in =
Create the cylindrical solid defining the grip for the handle.
the workplane the axial length of the cylinder and create the circular
solid defining the section between the handle and the head of the
metal ladle. |
the workplane again and create the cylindrical head of the ladle.
rotate the workplane and shift it such that the inner section of the
ladle is removed so that a heat source can be placed within.
subtract the volume such that only free space remains. |
create the area defining the “molten bronze” heat source. |
Once all the
volumes have been created. Overlap the two sections of the handle so
that they form one volume. |
Add the handle and
the bowl itself then “glue” the “molten bronze” into the bowl.
ensure that the
grip is done correctly, you may also glue the slender rod of the
handle to the grip. |
Define the Material
Properties of the Steel ladle (Thermal Conductivity for each of
the metals is important) |
Define the Element
Properties as a Tet 10 node Thermal Solid. |
Mesh the ladle. (Do
so by picking all lines and setting the element edge length to 0.02.)
Apply the boundary
conditions. (Convection on the bowl, rod and grip, and Constant Temp
on all the areas defining the bronze) |
Solve |
List the nodal
results of the temperature distribution with respect to all degrees of
freedom. |
Plot the nodal
temperature distribution within the ladle. Show both the “deformed”
shape of the ladle. |
nodal temperatures will be listed as follows:)

(The result should be
something like below:)