Playwright’s Workshop (PW)
Rules of Order and Operation
Drafted March 10th, 2002
Article I : The Structure of the Playwright’s Workshop
Section I: Membership and Offices
a. There is one elected official in the PW, and that is the Artistic Director.
b. There are two appointed officials in the PW, the Moderator and the Board Liaison.
c. A person shall have fulfilled a commitment to the PW (as per section of the Scotch'n'Soda Constitution) if they:
1. Have attended two readings during two semesters; or
2. Have read in a play; or
3. Have submitted a play to be read.
d. A person shall be considered a member of the PW if they
are eligible
for membership to Scotch'n'Soda through their involvement with the PW.
Article II: Elected Positions
Section I: Election and Voting Procedures
a. Elections for the positions of Artistic Director will be supervised by
a non-returning member, heretofore the election supervisor.
b. Any member of the Playwright’s Workshop may make a nomination.
The nomination must be seconded by another member of the PW.
c. Nominations for elected positions must be accepted by the nominee.
Nominees may also refuse to accept the nomination, rendering it null and void.
d. Any member of the PW may be nominated for an elected position, with the following restrictions:
1. The member must be planning to remain a student at Carnegie
for the duration of his or her term.
e. Nominations will be posted, seconded, and accepted on the
.playwright electronic
bulletin board.
1. Nominations may also be submitted anonymously to the election supervisor, who will then post the nominations to the electronic bulletin board.
f. After elections are announced, the floor will be open for nominations for one week. Exact times and dates will be determined by the election supervisor.
g. After the close of nominations, the election supervisor will announce
the commencement of voting. Voting shall occur over no less than three
days and no more than seven days after the close of nominations.
h. Votes will be sent directly to the election supervisor.
i. Every member of the PW may cast one vote in the election.
1. Should a member of the PW attempt to cast more than one
or to corrupt the voting process in any way, the election supervisor
will declare that member's vote null and void.
j. After the closing of the voting process, votes will be
by the election supervisor, who will announce the results to the public
and the members of the PW no later than 24 hours after the voting ends.
1. The winner is the nominee with a simple majority of the votes cast.
k. Should the election result in a tie, the Scotch ‘n’
Soda Board of Directors shall cast the deciding vote.
Section II: The Artistic Director
a. The Artistic Director will be elected at the end of the spring semester.
Nominations will start no later than three weeks before the semester ends.
b. The term of the Artistic Director begins at the end of the spring semester.
c. The duties of the Artistic Director are as follows:
1. To organize a pool of readers.
2. To solicit Scotch-n-Soda and the school community for new plays.
3. To choose reading dates for the plays (minimum of two per semester)
4. To cast the play from the pool of readers.
5. To distribute copies of the play to the readers.
6. To appoint a moderator for each play-reading session.
7. To run the workshop.
8. To report to the Board of Directors or appoint a board liaison.
Article III : Appointed Positions
Section I : The Moderator
a. The Artistic Director shall be responsible for selecting a moderator for every play-reading session.
1. If any member objects to the AD's choice, the appointees
must be approved by a 2/3 majority of the membership.
2. The moderator may be the same person for each play-reading session.
b. The moderator shall read all plays in advance.
c. The moderator shall run the discussion part of the play-reading.
Section II : The Board Liaison
a. The Artistic Director shall be responsible for selecting a member of the PW to be the troupe's liaison to the Scotch'n'Soda Board of Directors. The AD may choose him/herself as the Board Liaison.
b. The duties of the board liaison are as follows:
1. To keep the S'n'S Board of Directors informed of the PW’s
schedule and
2. To serve on the Scotch'n'Soda Auxiliary Board, as defined in section 4.4.0
in the Scotch’n’Soda Constitution.
c. If any member objects to the AD's choice, the appointees must be approved by a 2/3 majority of the membership.
Article IV: Workshops
Section I: The Structure and Duties of the Workshops
a. All members of the Carnegie Mellon community are welcome
at the Workshops.
b. The Workshops shall be scheduled by the AD.
c. The plays shall be due no less than 3 days before the reading, and the AD shall be efficient in assigning parts and distributing the scripts.
d. The workshops shall consist of readings alternating with discussions. The AD and the moderator will decide what the best length for discussions is based on the length of the plays and the amount of time scheduled for the workshop.
Article V : Additional Duties
Section I: Delegation of Additional Duties
a. All duties not enumerated in Articles II and III shall
be discussed
by the Artistic Director and moderator. At their discretion,
they shall decide under whose responsibility the duty falls.
Article VI: Amending the Rules
Section I : Amendment Procedures
a. Should a member of the PW wish to suggest an alteration to the Rules,
he or she must generate a petition with the signatures of five other members
of the PW and give the petition to the AD. The AD will then consider bringing
the issue to the general body of the PW.
b. Discussion of the proposed amendment shall be organized by the Artistic Director.
c. Amendments to the Rules must pass with a 2/3 majority of the general PW membership