Material Studies (100 pts)
Issued: 2008.03.14
Due Date: 2008.04.24
Based upon the original masonry workshop groups, you have been assigned a material - wood, masonry or metal. (Click here for the list) You assignment is to compile a notebook with research concerning your chosen material.
Each student is responsible for two doubled-sided material research pages using the template that is in the Course Documents folder on the class Blackboard™ site and here.
Teams are strongly encouraged to explore a broad range of material types and usages, from traditional to still in the laboratory or from structural to finish applications.
At a minimum, the information you collect must include:
a statement explaining why you chose this particular example within your assigned material category
the aesthetic properties and typical usages of the material including photos and/ or drawings
the physical properties of your material, such as density, strength, thermal conductivity.
the sustainable properties of the material, including upstream, in-use, downstream and embodied energy.
Grading Criteria:
You will be graded individually for the your work. The purpose of the teams is not only to create a sense of shared purpose and to encourage you to learn together, but also to coordinate the materials that are chosen, so that no team duplicates any of the materials in their notebook.
The completed PDF's are due in the digital dropbox no later than 11:59pm on Thursday, April 24th. The file naming convention is: lastname_group_num.pdf. You will present your studies via projector in class on either Tues, April 29th or Thursday, May 1st. Please submit a color print-out of your PDF's on the day that you present.
Statement (2 materials) | 12 pts |
Physical Properties (2 materials) | 24 pts |
Sustainable Properties(2 materials) | 24 pts |
Usage Documentation(2 materials) | 24 pts |
Class Presentation | 16 pts |