Left: Schematic of computational reconstruction with meshed sample plane, detector and projection geometry. Center: A sub-region of a reconstructed microstructure. Colors are coded to the local crystallographic orientations (J. Lind thesis, 2013). Right: Three dimensional reconstructed copper microstructure (R. Pokharel thesis 2013).
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R. M. Suter Research Group

High Energy X-rays Applied to Microstructure Science

Email: suter@andrew.cmu.edu

Suter Group HEDM Archive

  1. S.F. Li and R.M. Suter, “Adaptive Reconstruction Method for Three-Dimensional Orientation Imaging,” J. Appl. Cryst., 46, 512-524 (2013). article
  2. M. Miller, R. Suter, U. Lienert, A. Beaudoin, E. Fontes, J. Almer and J. Schuren, “High-energy needs and capabilities to study multiscale phenomena in crystalline materials,” Synchrotron Radiation News, 25:6, 18-26, (2012). article
  3. S.F. Li, J. Lind, C.M. Hefferan, R. Pokharel, U. Lienert, A.D. Rollett, R.M. Suter, “Three Dimensional Plastic Response in Polycrystalline Copper Via Near-Field High Energy X-ray Diffraction Microscopy,” J. Appl. Cryst., 45, 1098-1108 (2012). article
  4. C.M. Hefferan, S.F. Li, J. Lind, U. Lienert, A.D. Rollett, R.M. Suter, “Observation of Recovery and Recrystallization in High Purity Aluminum Measured with Forward Modeling Analysis of High Energy Diffraction Microscopy,” Acta Materialia, 60, 4311-4318 (2012). article
  5. B. W. Reed, A. Henrie, B. Adams, J. Bernier, C. Hefferan, J. Lind, F. Li, R. M. Suter, and M. Kumar, “Experimental Tests of Stereological Estimates of Grain Boundary Populations,” Acta Materialia, 60, 2999-3010 (2012). article
  6. R. Pokharel, S.F. Li, J. Lind, C.M. Hefferan, U. Lienert, R.A. Lebensohn, R.M. Suter, A.D. Rollett, “Quantifying damage accumulation using state-of-the-art FFT method,” Materials Science Forum 702-703, 515-518 (2012). article
  7. U. Lienert, S.F. Li, C.M. Hefferan, J. Lind, R.M. Suter, J.V. Bernier, N.R. Barton, C. Brandes, M.J. Mills, M.P. Miller, C. Wejdemann, and W. Pantleon, “High-Energy Diffraction Microscopy at the Advanced Photon Source,” Journal of Materials (invited article), July 2011. article
  8. S.R. Wilson, C.M. Hefferan, S.F. Li, J. Lind, R.M. Suter and A.D. Rollett, “Microstructural Characterization and Evolution in 3D,” Risoe 2010 Symposium proceedings (2010).
  9. U. Lienert, M.C. Brandes, J.V. Bernier, M.J. Mills, M.P. Miller, S.F. Li, C.M. Hefferan, J. Lind, R.M. Suter, “3DXRD at the Advanced Photon Source: Orientation Mapping and Deformation Studies,” Risoe 2010 Symposium proceedings (2010).
  10. C.M. Hefferan, S.F. Li, J. Lind, and R.M. Suter, “Tests of Microstructure Reconstruction by Forward Modeling of HEDM Data,” Journal of Powder Diffraction, 25, 132-137 (2010). article
  11. C.M. Hefferan, S.F. Li, J. Lind, U. Lienert, A.D. Rollett, P. Wynblatt, R.M. Suter, “Statistics of High Purity Nickel Microstructure From High Energy X-ray Diffraction Microscopy,” Computers, Materials and Continua, 14, 209-219 (2009). article
  12. R.M. Suter, C. Hefferan, S.F. Li, D. Hennessy, C. Xiao, U. Lienert, and B. Tieman, “Probing Microstructure Dynamics With X-ray Diffraction Microscopy,” J. Eng. Mater. Technol., 130, 021007 (2008). article
  13. U. Lienert, J. Almer, B. Jakobsen, W. Pantleon, H.F. Poulsen, D. Hennessy, C. Xiao, and R.M. Suter, 3-Dimensional Characterization of Polycrystalline Bulk Materials Using High-Energy Synchrotron Radiation, Materials Science Forum 539-543, 2353-2358 (2007).
  14. R.M. Suter, D. Hennessy, C. Xiao, and U. Lienert, “Forward Modeling Method for Microstructure Reconstruction Using X-ray Diffraction Microscopy: Single Crystal Verification”, Rev. Sci. Instr. 77, 123905 (2006). article
  15. E.M. Lauridsen, S. Schmidt, R.M. Suter and H.F. Poulsen, “Tracking: a Method for Structural Characterization of Grains in Powders or Polycrystals”, J. Appl. Cryst., 34, 744–750 (2001). article
  16. H.F. Poulsen, S.F. Nielsen, E.M. Lauridsen, S. Schmidt, R.M. Suter, U. Lienert, L. Margulies, T. Lorentzena and D. Juul Jensen, “Three-Dimensional Maps of Grain Boundaries and the Stress-State of Individual Grains”, J. Appl. Cryst., 34, 751–756 (2001). article

Updated August 25, 2020