Left: Schematic of computational reconstruction with
meshed sample plane, detector and projection geometry.
Center: A sub-region of a reconstructed microstructure.
Colors are coded to the local crystallographic orientations
(J. Lind thesis, 2013). Right: Three dimensional
reconstructed copper microstructure (R. Pokharel thesis
For information about Carnegie Mellon University, click
For information about the CMU Physics Department, click
R. M. Suter Research Group
High Energy X-rays Applied to
Microstructure Science
Email: suter@andrew.cmu.edu
Suter Group HEDM Archive
- S.F. Li and R.M. Suter, “Adaptive Reconstruction
Method for Three-Dimensional
Orientation Imaging,” J. Appl. Cryst., 46, 512-524
(2013). article
- M. Miller, R. Suter, U. Lienert, A. Beaudoin, E.
Fontes, J. Almer and J. Schuren, “High-energy needs
and capabilities to study multiscale phenomena in
crystalline materials,” Synchrotron Radiation News,
25:6, 18-26, (2012). article
- S.F. Li, J. Lind,
C.M. Hefferan, R. Pokharel, U. Lienert, A.D. Rollett,
R.M. Suter, “Three Dimensional Plastic Response in
Polycrystalline Copper Via Near-Field High Energy
X-ray Diffraction Microscopy,” J. Appl. Cryst., 45,
1098-1108 (2012). article
- C.M. Hefferan, S.F. Li, J. Lind, U. Lienert, A.D.
Rollett, R.M. Suter, “Observation of Recovery
and Recrystallization in High Purity Aluminum
Measured with Forward Modeling Analysis of High
Energy Diffraction Microscopy,” Acta Materialia,
60, 4311-4318 (2012). article
- B. W. Reed, A. Henrie, B. Adams, J. Bernier, C.
Hefferan, J. Lind, F. Li, R. M. Suter, and M. Kumar,
“Experimental Tests of Stereological Estimates of
Grain Boundary Populations,” Acta Materialia, 60,
2999-3010 (2012). article
- R. Pokharel, S.F. Li, J. Lind, C.M. Hefferan,
U. Lienert, R.A. Lebensohn, R.M. Suter, A.D.
Rollett, “Quantifying damage accumulation using
state-of-the-art FFT method,” Materials Science
Forum 702-703, 515-518 (2012). article
- U. Lienert, S.F. Li, C.M. Hefferan, J. Lind, R.M.
Suter, J.V. Bernier, N.R. Barton, C. Brandes,
M.J. Mills, M.P. Miller, C. Wejdemann, and W.
Pantleon, “High-Energy Diffraction Microscopy at
the Advanced Photon Source,” Journal of Materials
(invited article), July 2011. article
- S.R. Wilson, C.M. Hefferan, S.F. Li, J. Lind,
R.M. Suter and A.D. Rollett, “Microstructural
Characterization and Evolution in 3D,” Risoe 2010
Symposium proceedings (2010).
- U. Lienert, M.C. Brandes, J.V. Bernier, M.J. Mills,
M.P. Miller, S.F. Li, C.M. Hefferan, J. Lind, R.M.
Suter, “3DXRD at the Advanced Photon Source:
Orientation Mapping and Deformation Studies,”
Risoe 2010 Symposium proceedings (2010).
- C.M. Hefferan, S.F. Li, J. Lind, and R.M. Suter,
“Tests of Microstructure Reconstruction by Forward
Modeling of HEDM Data,” Journal of Powder
Diffraction, 25, 132-137 (2010). article
- C.M. Hefferan, S.F. Li, J. Lind, U. Lienert, A.D.
Rollett, P. Wynblatt, R.M. Suter, “Statistics of High
Purity Nickel Microstructure From High Energy
X-ray Diffraction Microscopy,” Computers, Materials
and Continua, 14, 209-219 (2009). article
- R.M. Suter, C. Hefferan, S.F. Li, D. Hennessy,
C. Xiao, U. Lienert, and B. Tieman, “Probing
Microstructure Dynamics With X-ray Diffraction
Microscopy,” J. Eng. Mater. Technol., 130, 021007
(2008). article
- U. Lienert, J. Almer, B. Jakobsen, W. Pantleon,
H.F. Poulsen, D. Hennessy, C. Xiao, and R.M. Suter,
3-Dimensional Characterization of Polycrystalline
Bulk Materials Using High-Energy Synchrotron
Radiation, Materials Science Forum 539-543,
2353-2358 (2007).
- R.M. Suter, D. Hennessy, C. Xiao, and U. Lienert,
“Forward Modeling Method for Microstructure
Reconstruction Using X-ray Diffraction Microscopy:
Single Crystal Verification”, Rev. Sci. Instr. 77,
123905 (2006). article
- E.M. Lauridsen, S. Schmidt, R.M. Suter and H.F.
Poulsen, “Tracking: a Method for
Structural Characterization of Grains in Powders or
Polycrystals”, J. Appl. Cryst., 34, 744–750 (2001).
- H.F. Poulsen, S.F. Nielsen, E.M. Lauridsen, S.
Schmidt, R.M. Suter, U. Lienert, L. Margulies, T.
Lorentzena and D. Juul Jensen, “Three-Dimensional
Maps of Grain Boundaries and the Stress-State of
Individual Grains”, J. Appl. Cryst., 34, 751–756
(2001). article
Updated August 25, 2020