Left: Schematic of computational reconstruction with
meshed sample plane, detector and projection geometry.
Center: A sub-region of a reconstructed microstructure.
Colors are coded to the local crystallographic orientations
(J. Lind thesis, 2013). Right: Three dimensional
reconstructed copper microstructure (R. Pokharel thesis
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For information about the CMU Physics Department, click
R. M. Suter Research Group
High Energy X-rays Applied to
Microstructure Science
Email: suter@andrew.cmu.edu
Recent Presentations (2015-2016 ) otherwise, out of
- Denver X-ray Conference, “Optimized Information
Extraction from Near-field High Energy Diffraction
Microscopy Data Sets,” Aug 3, 2016.
- TMS 3D Materials Science “Precision and extension
of near-field High Energy Diffraction Microscopy
(nf-HEDM)”, July 11, 2016.
- Los Alamos National Laboratory MaRIE seminar,
“Current and future high energy x-ray probes for
microstructure science,” March 9, 2016.
- TMS Annual Meeting, “Fatigue Characterization
with High Energy Diffraction Microscopy and
Absorption Contrast Tomography,” February 16,
- Lorentz Center Workshop on Quantitative 3D
X-ray Imaging, Leiden, Netherlands: “Orientation
reconstruction by near-field high energy x-ray
diffraction microscopy,” January, 14, 2016 (plenary).
- Desy Petra-III seminar, Hamburg,
Germany: “Tracking Polycrystalline Responses with
High Energy Diffraction Microscopy at the Advanced
Photon Source,” January 8, 2016.
- U. Glasgow, Scotland, UK, School of Engineering
seminar, “3D tracking of microstructure responses:
nf-, ff-HEDM and High Energy Tomography,” July
31, 2015.
- MS&T 2015, Columbus, OH, “Shock Induced
Void Formation at Grain Boundaries and Triple
Lines in Copper Via Before and After HEDM
Characterization,” October 7, 2015.
- Northrup Grumman Resilient Design Workshop,
“Using High Energy X-rays to Understand Rare
Events and Materials Responses: Non-destructive,
3D Measurements of Microstructures,” June 2, 2015.
- TMS 2015, “HEDM: Spatially Resolved
Measurements of Lattice Orientation and Strain in
Polycrystals,” March 16, 2015.