Ulrich Flemming's website > KrautBlog > Soccer terms comments
© Ulrich Flemming for text and images
Abwehrkante. Abwehr is the German word for defense, and a Kante is an edge. Taken together, they refer to an imposing defensive player who stands like a rock by the sea against which the surf breaks. |
![]() Abwehrkante Pepe |
Abwehrriegel. In this context, a Riegel is a door bolt. An Abwehrriegel is a defensive line that is very hard to pierce by an opposing offense. The Italian catenaccio has the same meaning when used in the context of soccer |
Dosenöffner. A Dosenöffner is, literally, a can opener. If used metaphorically in a soccer match, the term refers to a goal scored by a dominating team that just doesn't seem to be able to score a goal. When it finally does, that goal may function as Dosenöffner, i.e. break the ban and lead to more goals. |
Eingespielt. Gespielt is the past participle of spielen (to play). Ein is, in this context, a prefix indicating an action that has come to fruition. A team that is eingespielt has played together long enough so that everybody knows what everybody else does in a given moment. To be eingespielt is particularly important for defenders—they have to know where to move in relation to each other with every changing situation. |
Flügelflitzer. A Flügel is a wing, and Flitzer is a noun formed from the verb flitzen, to run very fast. A Flügelflitzer is a fast winger whose main role is to streak down the side lines and serve crosses into the penalty area. |
Kantersieg. Sieg means victory, and a Kantersieg is a victory with an unusually high goal difference. Duden online states that the term is derived from the English expression "to win in a canter", i.e. with seeming ease and without great exertion. Commentators typically start to talk about a Kantersieg when the score has reached 4:0. The most famous Kantersieg in the history of German soccer is the 7:1 win against Brazil in the semifinal of the 2014 World Cup. |
Luxusproblem. Coaches have a Luxusproblem when the cadre of players at their disposal is so deep, in terms of quality, that when nominating a starting formation, they must chose between several equally promising candidates for some positions. To have such a problem is a luxury (Luxus), i.e. a sign of wealth, and the envy of opposing coaches. |
Mentalitätsmonster. A Mentalitätsmonster is a player who does not let him- or herself get discouraged and plays on, with undiminished intensity, no matter what the score is. The players for Real Madrid are famous examples—they do not give up and often manage to win matches even if if they were trailing for most of the match. |
Schicksalsspiel. Schicksal means fate, and a Spiel is a game or match. A Schicksalsspiel is a fateful match in the sense that its outcome has far-reaching consequences, like a club being relegated to a lower division or not. |
Schwalbenkönig. A König is a king, and a Schwalbe is a swallow (the bird). In soccer, it refers to a dive, a deliberate fall intended to draw a foul, even though there was no contact with an opposing player. A Schwalbenkönig is a player who does this repeatedly, especially in the penalty box to draw a penalty from the referee. Neymar's unpopularity with many fans stemmed from the fact that he was perceived as a Schwalbenkönig. |
![]() Schwalbenkönig Neymar |
Staubsauger. A Staubsauger is a vacuum cleaner (literally a "dust sucker"). Used metaphorically, the term refers to a defensive midfield player who roams the area in front of the penalty box and clears it of balls passed into it by opposing teams. |
Sturmtank. Sturm (literally "storm") is the term for a team's offense, and a Sturmtank is a center forward who makes up for a lack of technical skills by a powerful physical presence. He or she does not dribble gracefully around defenders, but runs through or over them to hammer the ball into the net. Picture Erling Haaland without his technical skills. |
Traumtor. Traum means dream and a Tor is a goal. A Traumtor is a goal achieved in a particularly memorable fashion, based on degree of difficulty and technical skill involved, something normal mortals can do only in their dreams. |
Zittersieg. Zittern means to tremble or quiver, and Sieg means victory. A Zittersieg is a victory where players and audience alike tremble and pray for the final whistle because the opponents are getting closer and closer to scoring the game-changing goal. |
Last change made to this page: February 27, 2023