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We are the Money Mellons, a team focused on introducing new players to the sport of ultimate while advancing the growth of skilled players! Our goal is to create a community for dedicated athletes who want to form lifelong friendships, and to foster a fun atmosphere that is also serious and competitive come game-time.

orientation calendar


We're excited to welcome you to our community! Join us to chill and meet the Money Mellons (women's team) and Mr. Yuk (men's team).

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mellons leg draining

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quotation marks shani and tang

Playing with the Mellons had an incredibly positive impact on my college experience. The team gave me a close group of friends and invaluable leadership experience. I cannot express how grateful I am that I spotted the team playing pickup on the Cut my first day of freshman orientation!
- Shani Rosenthal, Class of '19

quotation marks mellons hugging

The Mellons is my team for life. Never have I felt so welcomed, uplifted, and celebrated than I did when I was with the Mellons. Playing ultimate alongside them was just the cherry on top.
- Ari Mapua, Class of '18

selfie at nationals mellons carrying each other sky battle post-snowstorm practice jesse throwing mellons at the fence