Interview: NPR: No more 'just walk out' at Amazon grocery stores. The new bet is smart shopping carts (Apr 2024). link
Interview: Seattle Times: Amazon is tinkering with grocery business. Some are unsure if it's working (June 2024) link
Interview: Fast Company: Why Amazon's Dash Carts might have a tough time finding customer buy-in (May 2024) link
Banned Books
Article: Axios: Banned books often get circulation bump, new study finds (Oct 2023) link
Article: Daily Beast: Banned Books Become More Popular With Borrowers: Study (Oct 2023) link
Article: Yahoo News: Banned Books Become More Popular With Borrowers: Study (Oct 2023) link
Article: AOL: Study shows banning books can boost demand and visibility (Nov 2023) link
News coverage on different local news stations: KOMO, WHAM (ABC), ABC 45, WLOS (ABC), WRTV: Banned Books Become More Popular With Borrowers: Study (Oct 2023).
Other Coverage
Citation: Supreme Court Case Gonzalez Vs. Google Inc: Brief of Yelp Inc. as Amicus Curiae (January 2023) link
Interview: Foster Business Magazine: The Weight of Hate (November 2022) link
Interview: MIT Sloan: Ideas Made to Matter - As content booms, how can platforms protect kids from hateful speech? (February 2022) link
Interview: Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - Trusting reviews we see online? (January 2022). link
Harvard Business Review - Idea Watch: How platforms should deal with fake reviews (November 2020).
Los Angles Times - Column: Fake reviews should stay online, researchers say (July 2020) link
INFORMS Press News Release - New Research Says Displaying Fake Reviews Increases Consumer Trust in Review Platforms by 80% (June 2020).
Torrent Freak - Free TV-Show Streaming Hurts Online Sales, Research Finds (December 2016).