From Coda to Fine...
Fine menas "the place where a piece of music finishes". (From new oxford american dictionary). Basically, we make Nokia's internet tablets work with Coda file system. This program will be the last chapter of mobile & pervasive computing with Coda.

Unlocking the Hildon-fm library
The Coda Distributed File System is an advanced network file system that provides several features such as disconnected operation which are not found in any other file system. It is used on Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, and Windows NT based operating systems and runs on anything from a small ARM based handheld to 64-bit x86 systems.
However, the day to day operation is not ready for main stream usage, most operations require dropping down to the command-line. Because of Coda's unique features it doesn't fall nicely into either local or remote file system categories on a device like the Nokia N800, N810. Local file systems tend to be small and relatively slow, they are aggressively indexed to improve search performance and give users feedback what types of files are taking up space in which parts of the namespace. But crawling though the complete Coda namespace is infeasible. Remote file systems on the other hand are not show in the interface whenever there is no network connectivity, which is unreasonable in Coda's case because it supports disconnected operations. This project involves extending the open source Hildon-fm and file chooser widgest which are used by all Maemo applications to include a Coda file system volume as a fiest class object alongside the memory cards and remote SMB and uPNP file servers. As well as providing useful user interface components to perform various essential tasks such as authentication and exploration of aspects of the Coda distributed file system on the handheld device. We named our project's subtitle as unlocking the Hilon-fm library, because we modified the library to make our own file manager work with Coda. There is currently no open-source file manager application for Maemo system. This application will be the first open-source file manager for Maemo operating system (N800, N810).