Due |
Type |
Assignment |
Mon. Aug. 26 |
Reading |
Start reading of Chapter 1 (up to and including page 5, "Joule") |
Wed. Aug. 28 |
Task |
Start bringing your clicker or (or your phone with the app downloaded) to lecture. You can find more information in the CMU Student Guide to Clicker. |
Wed. Aug. 28 |
Reading |
Continue reading of Chapter 1 (up to and including page 18, "Measuring Energy") |
Thu. Aug. 29 |
Reading |
Read the "Units Survival Guide". |
Thu. Aug. 29 |
Homework 1 |
Solve problems 1–5 of the "units and magnitudes" worksheet and hand in your results in recitation. (The remaining 6 problems will be talked about in Thursday's recitation.) |
Fri. Aug 30 |
Reading |
Finish reading Chapter 1 |
Mon. Sep. 2 |
no classes |
Wed. Sep. 4 |
Reading |
Start reading Chapter 2 (up to and including page 48, "Columia tragedy") |
Thu. Sep. 5 |
Homework 2 |
Write an Essay on the "Hydrogen Economy" and bring a draft version to recitation. You can download a sample word document for this and all future essays here. |
Fri. Sep. 6 |
Reading |
Continue reading of Chapter 2 (up to and including page 59, "Automobiles...") |
Fri. Sep. 6 |
Homework 2 |
Hand in your finalized version of the essay on the "Hydrogen Economy" in class. |
Mon. Sep. 9 |
Reading |
Finish reading Chapter 2. |
Wed. Sep. 11 |
Reading |
Start reading Chapter 3 (up to and including page 81, "Manufacturing Objects in Space"). |
Thu. Sep. 12 |
Homework 3 |
Write an essay about "Energy in the News" and bring a draft version to recitation. |
Fri. Sep. 13 |
Reading |
Continue reading of Chapter 3 (up to and including page 89, "Black Holes"). |
Fri. Sep. 13 |
Homework 3 |
Hand in your finalized version of the essay on "Energy in the News" in class. |
Mon. Sep. 16 |
Reading |
Finish reading Chapter 3. |
Mon. Sep. 16 |
Homework 4 |
Solve the problem sheet on energy and gravity and hand in your solution in class. |
Wed. Sep. 18 |
Reading |
Start reading Chapter 4 (up to and including page 121, "Chernobyl Disaster"). |
Thu. Sep. 19 |
Homework 5 |
Write an essay about "Physics in the Movies" and bring a draft version to recitation. |
Fri. Sep. 20 |
Homework 5 |
Hand in your finalized version of the essay on "Movie Physics" in class. |
Fri. Sep. 20 |
Classroom discussion on the occasion of the International Climate Strike. |
Mon. Sep. 23 |
Reading |
Start reading Chapter 4 (up to and including page 132, "Measuring Age..."). |
Wed. Sep. 25 |
Reading |
Finish reading Chapter 4. |
Wed. Sep. 25 |
Homework 6 |
Solve the problem sheet on "Radiation dose" and hand in your solution in class. |
Thu. Sep. 26 |
Homework 7 |
Beginn writing the "Radiation Press Release" and bring a draft version to recitation. |
Fri. Sep. 27 |
Reading |
Start reading Chapter 5 (up to and including page 165, "Tree Branching"). |
Fri. Sep. 27 |
Homework 7 |
Hand in your finalized version of the "Radiation Press Release" in class. |
Mon. Sep. 30 |
Reading |
Continue reading Chapter 5 (up to and including page 174, "Fallout"). |
Wed. Oct. 2 |
location |
Please remember that today's class is in Doherty Hall 2302. Here's where that is. |
Wed. Oct. 2 |
Reading |
Continue reading Chapter 5 (up to and including page 185, "Yucca Mountain"). |
Wed. Oct. 2 |
Homework 8 |
Do the calculations requested on Fukushima. Attention: to do so, you will need t understand the reading assigment for today. |
Thu. Oct. 3 |
Homework 8 |
Beginn writing the "Fukushima Essay" and bring a draft version to recitation. |
Fri. Oct. 4 |
Reading |
Finish reading Chapter 5. |
Fri. Oct. 4 |
Homework 8 |
Hand in your finalized version of the "Fukushima Essay" in class. |
Mon. Oct. 7 |
Midterm 1 |
In class, closed book, but single sided letter-sized hand-written cheat-sheet allowed. |
Wed. Oct. 9 |
Reading |
Start reading Chapter 6 (up to and including page 212, "Electric Forces..."). |
Thu. Oct. 10 |
Homework 9 |
Solve the problem sheet on Power consumption and hand in your solution in recitation. |
Fri. Oct. 11 |
Reading |
Continue reading Chapter 6 (up to and including page 232, "Finding Submarines"). |
Mon. Oct. 14 |
Reading |
Finish reading Chapter 6. |
Wed. Oct. 16 |
Reading |
Start reading Chapter 7 (up to and including page 248, "Tsunamis"). |
Thu. Oct. 17 |
Homework 10 |
Solve the problem sheet on power extension cords and hand in your solution in recitation. |
Fri. Oct. 18 |
no class |
Mid Semester Break! |
Mon. Oct. 21 |
Reading |
Continue reading Chapter 7 (up to and including page 259, "How do we know..."). |
Wed. Oct. 23 |
Reading |
Finish reading Chapter 7. |
Thu. Oct. 24 |
Homework 11 |
Solve the problem sheet on the Sound Channel and hand in your solution in recitation. |
Fri. Oct. 25 |
no class |
Day for Community Engagement! |
Mon. Oct. 28 |
Reading |
Revisit Chapter 7, ponder the key elements of waves. |
Wed. Oct. 30 |
Reading |
Start reading Chapter 8 (up to and including page 294, "More on Pinhole Cameras"). |
Thu. Oct. 31 |
Homework 12 |
Beginn writing the "Soundwave Essay" and bring a draft version to recitation. |
Fri. Nov. 1 |
Reading |
Continue reading Chapter 8 (up to and including page 305, "Rainbows"). |
Fri. Nov. 1 |
Homework 12 |
Hand in your finalized version of the "Soundwave Essay" in class. |
Mon. Nov 4 |
Reading |
Finish reading Chapter 8. |
Wed. Nov. 6 |
Reading |
Start reading Chapter 9 (up to and including page 336, "Infrared in the Home..."). |
Thu. Nov. 7 |
Homework 13 |
Beginn answering the "Five Questions" and bring a draft version to recitation. |
Fri. Nov. 8 |
Reading |
Continue reading Chapter 9 (up to and including page 345, "X-Rays and Gamma Rays"). |
Fri. Nov. 8 |
Homework 13 |
Hand in your finalized answers to the "Five Questions" in class. |
Mon. Nov 11 |
Reading |
Finish reading Chapter 9. |
Wed. Nov. 13 |
Midterm 2 |
In class, closed book, but single sided letter-sized hand-written cheat-sheet allowed. Please remember that today's class is in Doherty Hall 2302. Here's where that is. |
Fri. Nov. 15 |
Reading |
Start reading Chapter 10 (up to and including page 371, "Carbon Dioxide"). |
Mon. Nov 18 |
Reading |
Continue reading Chapter 10 (up to and including page 380, "Antarctica"). |
Wed. Nov. 20 |
Reading |
Continue reading Chapter 10 (up to and including page 390, "Kyoto and Copenhagen"). |
Wed. Nov. 20 |
Homework 14 |
Hand in your solution to the "Carbon Emissions" problem in class. |
Thu. Nov. 21 |
Homework 15 |
Beginn research for the "IPCC Essay" and bring a draft version to recitation. |
Fri. Nov. 22 |
Reading |
Finish reading Chapter 10. |
Fri. Nov. 22 |
Homework 15 |
Hand in your finalized version of the "IPCC Essay" in class. |
Mon. Nov. 25 |
Reading |
Start reading Chapter 13 (up to and including page 472, "MACHOs"). |
Nov. 27 – 29 |
no classes |
Mon. Dec 2 |
Reading |
Continue reading Chapter 13 (up to and including page 479 "Creation of the Elements..."). |
Wed. Nov. 4 |
presentations |
Student presentations during lecture. Please be courteous and be on time! |
Thu. Nov. 5 |
presentations |
Student presentations during recitations. Please be courteous and be on time! |
Fri. Nov. 6 |
Reading |
Finish reading Chapter 13. |