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required readings

Behavorial Sciences and Design
Lang, Chapter 2: The Nature and Utility of Theory
Lang, Chapter 3: The Behavioral Sciences and Architectural Theory

The Human Dimension
Lang, Chapter 12: Anthropometrics and Ergonomics

The Cognitive Dimension
Lang, Chapter 9: Fundamental Processes of Human Behavior
Lang, Chapter 13: Cognitive Maps and Spatial Behavior

The Environmental Dimension
Lang, Chapter 8: The Nature of the Environment
Lang, Chapter 10: The Built Environment and Human Behavior

The Behavorial Dimension
Lang, Chapter 11: The Behavior Setting: a unity for environmental analysis and design

The Social Dimension
Lang, Chapter 14: Privacy, Territoriality, and Personal Space—Proxemic theory
Lang, Chapter 15: Social Interaction and the Built Environment

The Community Dimension
Lang, Chapter 16: Social Organization and the Built Environment

Values in Architecture
Lang, Chapter 18: Formal Aesthetics
Lang, Chapter 19: Symbolic Aesthetics
Lang, Chapter 20: Understanding Normative Theories of Environmental Design

supplementary readings

Universal Principles of Design Lidwell | Holder | Butler
A cross disciplinary look at principles of perception, helping people learn, usability, appeal, and design process and user interface that has much relevance to space making. The book is well designed and easy to read, giving an introduction to relevant research.

Culture, Architecture and Design Amos Rappoport
This important text expolores the relationships that we form with our environment through psychological and cultural ties, the ways our environments affect us and the how to engage cultural theory in design.

Space and Place: The Perspective of Experience Yi-Fu Tuan
A classic text in human geography, exploring how we experience and think about space and form attachments to place or topophilia. He describes different types of space including mythical space, architectural space and experiential space and how we relate to each other within them.

The Poetics of Space Gaston Bachelard
Bachelard probes the relationships we establish with domestic space, saying that,”Inhabited space transcends geometrical space.” He looks at the physical and cognitive relationship with spaces--how we remember them and how we represent them and how they become more than mere stage settings for our actions.

Inquiry by Design John Ziesel
This text includes information on behavioral science methods and practices that are useful for architects and designers. It focuses on the design process and creativity and lays out practical ways of observation, surveys, and reading the built environment.

The Structure of the Ordinary N. J. Habraken
Habraken explored the reciprocal relationship between people and their environment, focused on physical, biological and social domains within the urban setting. The role of the “ordinary” is explored relative to place making and cultural meaning.

Kinship to Mastery: Biophilia in Human Evolution and Development Stephen Kellert
Biophilia has recently been in professional and popular media as a way to describe out attachment and connection to natural forms, spaces and processes. Kellert is an expert on the topic, articulating how we make connections and why those connections are critical to a sustainable relationship with our environment.

A Pattern Language Christopher Alexander, Sara Ishikawa and Murray Silverstein
A classic tome written on the premise that there are certain behavior patterns and tendencies that are shared across cultures and can be used to inform design without being predictive of form or language. Moves from the urban scale to the detail level.

Design and Cultural Responsibility Jack Williamson
A compilation of essays in the cultural connections between people and place and social responsibility in architecture, landscape and design.

related websites

Course blog / http://www.48351-humanfactors.blogspot.com

other resources

Defensible Space Oscar Newman

The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces William Whyte

The Death and Life of Great American Cities Jane Jacobs