
Homework Assignments - To Be Turned In

Management Written Homework:

The written management homework assignments are the same for every week: Please bring three discussion questions to class each week. Please turn in a copy of your questions at the start of the class and keep a second copy for yourself. The issues discussed in class will be taken from these questions and others that I will raise from time to time.

Technical Written Homework:

Homeworks assignments are to be in plain text files as opposed to formatted documents such as those produced by framemaker or MS Word. Directions for turning in technical assignments.

Assignment 1 - due: 11-13-01 by 5:30pm The major part of this assignment is to install apache on your own system, windows or unix. The directions are in chapter 1 of the Apache text. As you are doing the installation, take notes for yourself about the things that went well and the things that went badly.

(1) Install apache on your system.

(2) When you have completed your installation, write a one page text file that describes what you learned,what you wish you had known when you started and what you would tell others about to undertake the job.

Note that a Win 32 implementation runs on cygwin, a unix environment for win32 systems. Everything that you need is on the cd in your book.

(3) Configure your server to serve site.toddle on the cd. Modify the served web page to correct spelling and to mention the site name. From your web browser, sve the modified page to disk.
Assignment 2: Due 11-20-01 at 5:30pm 1. Configure your Apache Server to serve pages for site.simple described at the beginning of chapter 3.

2. Modify your site configuration so that you serve site.virtual. You can do this by modifying site.simple or by replacing it with site.virtual from your cd.

3. Using information from chapter 5, modify site.virtualso that access to is restricted to you and two other members fo the class by andrew user id (but a different password).

4. Give at least one reason why andrew passwords should not be used with web server authentication. The fact that uou would have to know your classmates andrew password doesn't count as a reason.

Turn in the site home directories as directories q1, q2, q3 in your afs turn in directory. Turn in your answer to question 4 as file q4.txt, a plain text file.
Assignment 3: Due 11-27-01 at 5:30 pm 1. In chapter 4, the authors of the textbook discuss the creation and use of cgi-bin programs as part of a web site. They provide, as an example, a C version of a cgi-bin program that summarizes a customer's order. Extend this program to ask the customer to confirm the order. Do not further process the order. If you wish, you may rewrite the C program in some other programming language. Turn in your C or other language source and any changes you make to the server configuration.
2. [Extra credit for Linux or unix apache users. Does not apply to windows users.] Move the program that you modified in question 1 to a directory that is below your home directory that is not immediately available to your web server. Modify your server configuration from question 1 to use suExec to run the program, compiling suExec if necessary.
3. The example site.multiview shows how to configure a site to respond to queries in multiple languages and to respond in the same language as the original query if it is available. With the help of others, create a page in a second language and enter a query in that language. If you can't create a page in another language, pretend that a second english language page is in a foreign language by assigning it the proper file type.
4. Use the indexing options of Apache to provide a fancy index for the butterlies web site.
5. Using a single image, either from the butterlies web site or some other image to create an image with a map so that clicking on different parts of the image produces a different response. Do not use any of the images that are used as an example in the text book.
Assignment 4
Due: Friday, December 7, 2001 at 5:00 PM
When you do this homework assignment, form a team of two or three people. One member of each team should be running Apache on a linux system.
Following the example given in Chapter 13 of the Apache text book, modify your Apache server to support SSL and to secure a test certificate. Team members who are running Apache on windows should be involved in the work to add SSL to the Linux based server so that they become familiar with the process.
Once the server appears to be running correctly, the team members who are running windows are to use Netscape and IE to attempt ordinary and secure connections to the Linux server supporting SSL and configured to accept only SSL connections and record the results of the work.
Turn in:
(1) Your server configuration file
(2) A summary of the steps you followed to extend the server to support SSL with particular emphasis on the problems you encounterd and were able to overcome.
(3) A report of the experiences of your tests of the server using the windows systems with particular emphasis on what went wrong and how you corrected the problems.
Don't forget to include the names of the members of the team in your documents. Each team should turn in one solution and send an e-mail to Laura explaining which directory contains the solution for the whole team. There will be one grade for the team's work which will be the grade of each member of the team.

Reading Assignments

Week: Technical Readings Management Readings
1Apache, Chapters 1, 2Open Source, Chapters 1-3 and Apache vs. IIS
2Apache, Chapters 3, 4Open Source, Chapters 4-6
3Apache, Chapters 6-8Open Source, Chapters 7-9
4Apache, Chapters 9-11Open Source, Chapters 10-12
5Apache, Chapters 12, 13Open Source, Chapters 13, 14
6Apache, Chapters 14, 15Open Source, Appendix A & B - just know what's there.

Last Modified 30 Nov 2001 by llb