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CMU Relay for Life

Light a Luminaria at the American Cancer Society Relay For Life at Carnegie Mellon University

Lighting a Path Toward Hope

It's one of the most inspirational moments at the American Cancer Society Relay For LifeĀ® When the sun goes down, hundreds of luminaria light the way under the stars to remember those lost to cancer, those fighting cancer, and those who have fought cancer and won. This ceremony of light symbolizes the hope and perseverance with which we all continue to fight.

What is a luminaria?
Luminaria are those glowing bags, that to the naked eye appear to be nothing more than paper sacks filled with sand and candles. But upon closer examination these sacks represent people, each with a name and a story to tell. Each glowing bag represents our shared vision for a future in which cancer no longer threatens the people we love. When the sun goes down, hundreds of luminaria light the way under the stars.

Please fill out the form below to order luminaria for your loved ones and friends who have been touched cancer. You can make a tribute in honor of a cancer survivor or in memory of someone who has lost the battle. Your loved one's name will appear on a luminaria and will be lit during the Luminaria Ceremony at Relay For Life®.

Luminaria Order Form

Webmaster: Michael Kelly
Last modified: Fri Nov 12 01:08:15 EST 2004

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