IAESTE National Conference 2010

Your World, Your Network, Your IAESTE
February 11th-14th, 2010
Salt Lake City, UT

Check out IAESTE National Conference website for details.

IAESTE National Conference 2009

The I-Factor: Make it work for you
February 5th-8th, 2009
Baltimore, MD

Ingenuity, Insight, International, Intelligence, IAESTE.

The eleventh annual IAESTE United States National Conference will bring together the most innovative and internationally-focused students from more than 25 of the United States' top technical schools. This will be an intensive weekend to learn the many qualities, experiences, and skills necessary to become a successful, global, technical leader. This annual conference at the chic Tremont Plaza on St. Paul provides a forum for increasing international understanding and developing global technical leadership. Attendees take part in educational sessions and workshops presented in three tracks: Global Events in Science & Technology, Multiculturalism, and Career Development.

    What you'll be doing:
  • Networking with industry leaders in the Global Opportunities Fair. Bring your resume!
  • Meeting people from the National Office who will be handling your applications to the international programs
  • Participating in workshops about career development, multiculturalism, and current events in science and technology
  • Meeting other IAESTErs from all over the country and having fun!

Registration fee before 01/22/2009: $165 (meals included). On-site registration fee: $350. Please contact us at IAESTE@andrew.cmu.edu about accommodation costs.

For full details, click here.

Pictures from previous National Conferences

What other people said...
"The IAESTE National Conference was a great experience.

"The presentations were about on many topics including multi-culturism, global events, career development and how the modern engineer can make a better world for tomorrow. They included a lot of interactive presentations where students were impersonating different business environment or just giving ideas about the topic discussed.

"The conference itself was perfectly organized. Morning and afternoon workshops. And to spice things up, the international party with music from over 20 different countries.

"I believe the 2007 IAESTE National conference was a great success and would suggest everyone who has a chance to attend and not miss this wonderful opportunity." - IAESTE Macedonia 2006

"As this was the first IAESTE conference I have attended, I was impressed to see so many motivated and professional students from all over the country. I went to workshops about the the social and economical pursuits in the Middle East, leadership in a global society, the Peace Corps and energy-efficient architecture. The workshops were run by specialists who knew their subjects well and could answer questions in-depth. Throughout the conference, there were many opportunities to meet professionals and network with them as well as other students. The closing speaker on Saturday night tied the entire weekend together by stressing to us upcoming professionals the importance of interdependence while we work internationally. Greater things can be acheived by working together with other cultures and specialties rather than narrowing our focus." - Architecture '07

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