About Me
I believe that genius is over-rated; but passion, hard work and concentration are what will get you where you want to be. My passion is in science, sports and entrepreneurship.
I graduated with a PhD in Computational Mechanics, from Integrated Soft Materials Laboratory at Carnegie Mellon University. My research is focused on developing composite materials that have mechanical properties compatible to soft biological tissues while having metal-like electrical and thermal properties. In particular, I am leading the research on Liquid Metals Embedded Elastomers (LMEE) in our lab. We have studied several different properties of LMEEs and our results are presented in prestigious journals like Advanced Materials and Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.
The ultimate importance of basic science is to drive the economy. Entrepreneurs who are risk takers are playing big roles in the transition from scientific discoveries to value-driven customer-based products. After completion of my PhD degree, I am planning to take this path and work on commercialization of my PhD research in our start up company, Arieca .
I remember playing soccer since I was 5 years old. I learned that for winning you must try hard, stay focused and work as a team. However, you don't always win, but you have to learn from the failures and keep moving forward. I also have met so many of my best friends on the soccer field. Currently, I play for Carnegie Mellon University men's club soccer team (AC Mellon), in which we enjoyed three back-to-back divisional championships, and ranked No. 5 in USA Northeast region in Fall 2016.
Last Update: 04/2018