January 2004
23 - Creation of the team
30 - Creation of the project
February 2004
05 - Creation of the site
Iteration 0
21-29 - Building the core and establishing 'vertical':
Common: Packet, Socket, ConfigManager
March 2004
01-07 - CBL: Database, DBExplorer, BusinessLogic, ClientSocket
ACBpoint: BusinessLogic, Registration
Iteration 1
08-18 - Adding main features:
Common: Security
CBL: Primary-Backup (without TransferControl) AccomodationLogic
ACBpoint: Sharing, Downloading
Fri 19 - Intermediate Project Presentation
Iteration 2
20-31 - Adding features:
CBL: AutoManager, Searching, TransferControl
April 2004
01-04 - ACBpoint: Searching, Account manager
Iteration 3
05-18 - Adding final features:
Administrative tools, Site development
Common: Compressor
19-25 - Final testing and documentation
Tue 27 - Final Project Presentation