Site Analysis Documentation Requirements
Last Updated on 2019.08.26 by slee
Minimum Submission Requirements:
- Prepare information on the surrounding neighborhood (1/2 mile radius), including the following:
- public and private transit networks
- pedestrian circulation
- public spaces
- building context: building heights, development density, basic services, land use
- ecological context: wetlands, flood plains, natural and man-made bodies of water, ground cover/vegetation, rare or endangered species habitat
- Prepare information in the immediate site vicinity (200' radius), including the following:
- public and private transit networks
- pedestrian circulation including sidewalks and crosswalks
- public spaces
- building context: building heights, basic services including, but not limited to: 1) Bank; 2) Place of Worship; 3) Convenience Grocery; 4) Day Care; 5) Cleaners; 6) Fire Station; 7) Beauty Salon; 8) Hardware; 9) Laundry; 10) Library; 11) Medical/Dental; 12) Senior Care Facility; 13) Park; 14) Pharmacy; 15) Post Office; 16) Restaurant; 17) Another School or University; 18) Supermarket; 19) Theater; 20) Community Center; 21) Fitness Center; 22) Museum. 23) Commercial Office. A good source is Pitt's Pennsylvania's Cultural Resources Geographic Information System
- utilities: adjacent storm and sanitary drainage lines; gas, water, and electricity supply lines
- Perform a photographic survey of project site and adjoining neighborhood context, including site panoramas and important views to and from the site.
- Conduct research on the history of the project site and the neighborhood in which the site is located including historic maps. A good source is University of Pittsburgh's Historic Pittsburgh Collection.
- Prepare site sections (E-W and N-S) and streetscape drawings.
- Retrieve site model from the Gruber ASO and make any necessary repairs.
- Documenting As-built Conditions:
- Plot the drawings in the Google Drive folder referred to as "1921 Plans for Rebuilding Johnston School Binder.pdf" at 1/8"=1'-0" scale (1:96). Since these are scans, please check a written dimension with a scale to verify that you have printed at 1/8 scale.
- We will be taking these drawings to the site multiple times to verify conditions - they need to be accurate!!
- Create AutoCAD files - plans, sections, elevations & wall sections - based on existing scanned drawings and site investigations.
- You may rely on the Gruber ASO document(s) with proper citations
- Format the analysis (NIC the drawings) as an 11 x 17 double-sided booklet in landscape orientation with left-edge binding as a PDF file.
- The SoA will print the PDF's in color for us. Students need to insert and bind the printed pages in vinyl sleeves and three ring binders provided by the SoA.
- All plan drawings (site plans, key plans, floor plans) must be oriented with north up and a graphic north arrow.
- Numeric scales must be be noted as 1:96 or 1/8"=1'-0", etc.
- Graphic scales must be included.