Date |
Class |
Assigment |
Slide |
01/05 |
First mini Start |
0115-1 |
Introduction to geometry odeling:
Coordinates and Transformations |
0115-2 |
Introduction to Rhino 3D and Grasshopper |
01/22 |
Curves |
MA 1 out |
0122 |
Grasshopper: Logic & Curve Components |
01/29 |
Surface Construction: Traditional Surface classes |
0129 |
Grasshopper: Vector & Surface Components |
02/05 |
Surface Development: Offsets, Sweeping, shape evolution and intersection |
MA 1 due
0205 |
Grasshopper: Surface & Scalar Components |
02/12 |
Surface Development: Deformations |
MA 2 out(02/10) |
0212 |
Grasshopper: Surface Analysis & XForm Components |
02/19 |
Polyhedral Surfaces, Meshes and Subdivision Surfaces 1 |
MA 2 due
MA 3 out |
0219 |
Grasshopper: Integration I |
02/26 |
Polyhedral Surfaces, Meshes and Subdivision Surfaces 2 |
Grasshopper: Integration II |
03/05 |
Surface Curvature & Developable Surfaces |
MA 3 due |
0305 |
Grasshopper: Fabrication I-Unroll surface |
03/12 |
Spring Break (03/09 ~ 03/13); |
03/19 |
Second mini Start |
Introduction to RhinoScript, Rhino .Net SDK & openNURBS |
Syntax, data types, flow control and variables in RhinoScript |
03/26 |
Computational algorithms:
Delaunay triangulation & Voronoi Cells |
Project out. |
04/02 |
Computational algorithms: L-System |
PM out. |
04/09 |
Computational algorithms: Genetic Algorithm (GA) |
04/16 |
Spring Carnival (No class) |
04/23 |
Computational algorithms: Others. |
04/30 |
PM due. |
05/07 |
Final presentation (TBD) |
Project due. |