
This Week
Wk1: Sept 17-Sept 23

Wk2: Sept 24-Sept 30
Wk3: Oct 1 - Oct 7
Wk4: Oct8-Oct14
Wk5: Oct15-Oct21
Wk6: Oct 22-Oct28
Wk7: Oct 29-Nov 4
Wk8: Nov5-Nov11
Wk9: Nov12-Nov18
Wk10: Nov19-Nov25
Wk11: Nov26-Dec2
Wk12: Nov26-Dec2
Wk13: Nov26-Dec2

A1 Research Direction
A2 Opportunity Framing
A3 Concept Development
A4 Second Iteration
A5 Final Presentation



Second Iteration of Concept

Friday- Nov 30: Team YoG meet with two domain experts from the Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf to learn more about American Sign Language, it's social conventions and physical parameters.

We also spoke with researchers at Boston University who video tape sign language for linguistic studies. We discussed video quantity requirements for clear sign language understanding.

  • Work on the interface also continues a pace.

  • We are deciding on the final details of the form based on sketches, iterative prototyping, and feedback from the deaf community.


Deliverables for A4
Link to your .pdf file here.



Copyright 2001 Carnegie Mellon University. September, 2001.