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SITE 3 ] | ||||||||||||||
Allegra Gregory - Estuary (NZ) |
The estuary which I have chosen to work with as my site is Mangemangeroa walkway - Mangemangeroa estuary, Auckland. Over the last 150 years, Auckland's Mangemangeroa estuary has been rapidly filled with sediments from the surrounding hillsides. Mangrove shrubs, shown here as a fringe between the land and sea, colonise the intertidal muds. In this estuary the area covered by mangroves increased by 50% between 1955 and 2000. Information found within the site. Sign post on the right of the track reads: The slip exposed Maori middens. These middens contain mainly shellfish, charcoal from fires and hungi stones thus indicating settlements in pre-European times. Family groups probably lived in raupo nikau thatched houses, gathering, shellfish, fish birds and growing corps. |
PROPOSAL FOR SITE BY: Ocean Quirin | |||||||||||||||
My ultimate goal is to CONTRIVE or manufacture an audio experience for the viewer. I would like you to record a few (5+) natural sounds from the area. Then multiply, augment, chop, mutilate, and copy these sounds to present what seems like a natural phenomenon (birds flocking, animals doing mating rituals, predator attacking prey, animals in herds running through the woods). These sounds should under no circumstances make the viewer afraid to be on the estuary(!), but instead offer intrigue to the space.
I would also like to present the idea of faking these sounds...such as leaves rustling etc (no need for you to wait for a mouse to run by or something). It is important to me that the sounds (if you choose animal sounds) be of species native to the area. At first this wasn’t important because I was interested in the idea of phenomenon—thinking that perhaps some new species had come along or something. I am more interested in dealing with this specific area’s natural and actual charms(while basically magnifying them). All I want you to achieve for the viewer is a sense that there is something real, believable, interesting, and potentially pleasant present in the environment, that is worthy of their consideration. This is to say that I wish all technology used to be non-evident and hidden as much as is possible. The final form of documentation may take any form you choose, but some ideas are video/audio. I’m interested in seeing how you manifest this idea and your ideas and personal tactics are more than welcome. This is kind of an equation illustrating what I hope you can do:
Birdcall X or sound + Audio manipulation
Birdc Birdc B Birdca Bird Birdcall X rdcall X X rdcall X all X Bird BSOUNDird Birdcall X Bir Birdcall X dcaSOUNDl Birdcall X l X Bird Birdcall X call X Bi BirdSOUNDc all Birdcall X all BirdcaBIrdbirdbdBirdcall X l X BirBirdcall X |
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