course requirements |
80-136Social Structure, Public Policy & Ethical DilemmasHome Synopsis Materials Requirements Projects Unit I Schedule Unit II Schedule Unit II Schedule External Links Carnegie Mellon Search Academic Administrative Site Index Calendar News site updated on 7/2/01 |
FormatThe format of the course will consist of lecture, discussion, films, role-playing, and perhaps a field trip or two. With the possible exception of the field trip, all of the above will be required. I will grade according to a 100-point scale based on four criteria, each worth 25 points: I. Class ParticipationI won't take attendance or count the number of times you make interesting points—but the class is small enough that I'll notice. Class participation will be graded according to the following scale:
II. HomeworkWeekly short assignments. Mostly you'll be asked to explicate a few the major arguments in our readings (in 250 words or less). Each is worth five points, but I'll drop your lowest score. III. QuizzesWeekly ten minute exercises to develop your moral argument skills (click here for an example). We'll have six irregularly appearing quizzes, each worth five point, but as with the h/w I drop the lowest score. IV. Term ProjectYou must complete a term project by semester's end. You can choose from on the following:
I can also be talked into accepting something else...have an idea computer simulation, a short video, a letter to public official? Propose it. The key requirement is that you make a philosophical argument concerning any ethical/public policy issue relating to animal rights, genetics or computers. (I might be persuaded to consider other another social issue if you have your heart set on it...) To help you develop your projects, I would like to see a written proposal no later than August 1. A proposal should be a 100-250 word summary of what you plan to do. You should answer the following questions:
Projects are due the last the last day of class (August 9). Late papers will get five points knocked off the final score for each day they are late. Class presentations, if any, will be held during the final examination period on August 10 (exact time tba). Projects will be graded on a scale from 0 to 25. The grade will be based on the following five factors
To grok the meaning of these criteria, see the detailed notes on projects. Final GradesYour final letter grade will be assigned as follows:
For anyone who ends up with a score on the border (e.g., 85), I will decide on the letter grade based on private discussions with the student. (Note that CMU doesn't do +'s or -'s.) |