82-172 Elementary Japanese II Spring 2005

Final Component

ファ イナル会話テスト

You will be asked to have a conversation with your randomly-selected partner about your hometown for 15-20 minutes. (Self-introduction NOT necessary!)
  • Date: TBA
  • Place: TBA (Please check with your teacher). Please do NOT be late! Please do not miss it! No make-up test can be arranged.
  • Evaluation criteria: (5 % of the final grade)
  1. Conversational Cooperation & Communication Strategies (your ability to sustain conversation with your partner with appropriate communication strategies: the use of conversation fillers, response acknowledgment, reation to partner's responses, turn-taking, repairing communication breakdowns, etc.)
  2. Topic Expansion & Sophistication of ideas & language (your ability to use the language at a high level of sophistication as well as to say something meaningful, to communicate complex ideas, and to extend conversational exchanges within a single topic)
  3. Comprehensibility & Accuracy (your ability to formulate well-formed and comprehensible sentences)
  4. Productivity(amount of your oral production)
  5. Appropriateness (your ability to understand spoken language and to carry on a conversation appropriately and naturally at the word, sentence and discourse levels)
  6. Fluency (your ability to maintain oral production without interruption)
  7. Clarity: Pronunciation & Intonation (your ability to pronounce each word, phrase and sentence clearly and accurately)

ファイナル プロジェクト

You will be asked to write an essay describing your hometown.
  • Topic: Describe your homeworn as attractively as possible.
  • What to write: L.6 dialogues focus on the characters' hometowns, so you will learn many useful expressions from them. Also, there will be a reading assignment that will serve as a model for this project. You may include the following points in your project. Itis not necessary to include them all.
  1. location & transportation (Xの東...、X からひこうきでY時間...)
  2. the area's specialties (おいしい食べ物,etc.)
  3. famous attractions (城、美術館、動物園、デパート、山、海、など)
  4. history歴史
  5. things you can do there
  6. the places where you visited (often) with your family and/or friends
  7. how long you and your family have lived there
  8. how you can compare your hometown to other places
  9. industries (business, etc.)
  10. weather (いつも暑いです、寒いです、など)
  • Dates: 四月二十日(水曜日) First draft due. Please use a word processor. 四月二十九日(金曜日)午後四時 Final version due.
  • Please start brainstorming now and think of what pieces of information you may be able to include in the final project.
  • Evaluation criteria: (5 % of the final grade)
  1. Mechanics (accuracy of writing, neatness of handwriting, punctuation, etc.)
  2. Length (about 1,200 characters long.)
  3. Content (creativity, organization, interest value, coherence)
  4. Vocabulary (appropriate word choice, word variety, use of Kanji)
  5. Grammar (particles, conjugation, word order, sentence structure) 
  • Academic integrity: The project must be YOUR work. Please read our syllabus.

Final Exam (期末試験)

五月二日(月曜日)午前 9:30-11:30 DH 1112 (10 % of the final grade)

Last updated on May 02, 2005

Webmaster: Yuki Yoshimura ( yyuki@cmu.edu )