90-802 Computer Application for Public Managers


Last updated May 28, 1997 by Karyn Moore.

1. May 22nd - Overview of IS and Databases

Objectives: 1) to understand the main database system concepts, 2) to be familiar with the evolution of IS technology, specifically database technology, and the forces that are driving this evolution, and 3) to know the problems inherent with computer file systems and how database technology addresses these problems.

   Lab:       MS , Lessons 1 - 5, and Lab Assignment #1, due June 5
              Student Survery, due May 22 (Data will be used to assign project groups)

   Readings:  R&C Ch. 1.

   Homework:  Assignment #1: R&C, p. 37,  Problems1-5, due May 29.

2. May 29th - The Relational Model in Detail

Objectives: 1) to understand the main relational database concepts, 2) to learn the relational table's components and characteristics, 2) to learn how keys are used in the relational database environment, 4) to examine basic entity relationships, and 5) to become familiar with the structure and usage of the data dictionary.

   Handouts:  Right Click LECTURE OVERHEADS to download Word 7 document.

   Readings:  R&C Ch. 2.

   Homework:  Assignment #2: R&C Ch. 2, pp 75 problems 1 - 3, plus problems on
              Additional Handout, due June 5.

   Project:   Assignment #1: Business Case for IS Project, due June 12.

3. June 5th - SQL Queries

Objectives: 1) to understand the basic priciples of SQL, 2) to be able to use the basic SQL querying language to construct simple queries, and 3) to understand the limitations of SQL as an end-user access tool.

   Lab:       MS, Lessons 6, 7 (page 101 only), 8, 9 and 10 and Lab Assignment #2, due June 19.

   Readings:  R&C,  Ch. 3, pp. 86-87, 101-111, 117-125.

   Homework:  Assignment #3: SQL Handout, due June 19.


4. June 12th - Designing a New System

Objectives: 1) to know and understand the steps involved in developing a new information system, specifically the Systems Development Life Cycle and the Database Development Life Cycle.

   Readings:  R&C  Ch. 6.

   Project:   Assignment #2: Requirements Definition for Project, due June 26.

5. June 19th - Entity Relationship Model

Objectives: 1) to learn the basic Entity Relationship (E-R) diagram components: entities, attributes and relationships, 2) to develop data modeling skills, 3) to learn how to specify and use business rules to develop the components of an E-R diagram, 4) to be able to interpret E-R diagrams as database blueprints.

   Handouts:	Right Click LECTURE OVERHEADS to download Word 7 document.
   Lab:       MS Lessons 11 - 14, and Lab Assignment #3, due July 3..

   Readings:  R&C Ch. 4.

   Homework:  Assignment 4: R&C  Ch 4, pp.207, problem 6, due June 26.

   Project:   Assignment #3: E-R Diagrams and Business Rules, due July 3.

6. June 26th - E-R Modeling (cont)

Objectives: Same as for Lecture # 5.

   Readings:   Same as for Lecture # 5.

7. July 3rd - Normalization and Physical Design in ACCESS

Objectives: 1) to be able to identify good and bad table structures, 2) to learn normalization techniques, and 3) to learn how to convert a logical database design to a physical database design in ACCESS.

   Lab:       MS Lesson 15 & 16 and Lab Assignment #4, due July 17.

   Readings:  R&C Ch. 5 (skip pgs 219 - 221) and Handout - Tips and Techniques using Access.

   Homework:  Assignment #5: R&C Ch. 5,  pg. 230, problem 2a, b, c, and d, due July 10.

        (Note - if you want feedback before the exam, please submit this homework by

         5:00 PM Sunday, July 6)

   Project:   Assignment #4: Physical Database Design, due July 17.

8. July 10th - Exam

Open book, open notes,  in-class exam covering Lectures
1 - 7.

9. July 17th - The Internet and the World Wide Web

Objectives: 1) to understand the characteristics of client-server technology as it applies to both the internet and databases, 2) to become familiar with how organizations are successfully leveraging the internet, 3) to understand the limitations of this technology, and 4) to understand the managerial issues involved in successfully leveraging Internet technology.

   Lab:      Creating a Web Page handout, Lab Assignment #5, due July 31. 
   Readings: R&C, Ch. 12., and additional handouts.

10. July 24th - Additional Information Technologies

Objectives: 1) to become familiar with other important Information Technologies and their current applications. Technologies to be covered include Geographic Information Systems, Decision Support Systems, and Data Warehouses.

   Readings: Various handouts.

11. July 31st - Managing Information Technologies

Objectives: 1) to understand the view of data as an organizational asset, 2) to understand how data views and requirements differ among management levels, and 3) to understand how the database management system fits into an organization.

   Readings:  R&C Ch. 13, pp 541-548.

   Homework:  Assignment #6: Handout, due August 7.

12. August 8th - Project Presentations