42-101 Intro to BME – Spring 2005


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Links to Problem Set Assignments:

            #1 HTML version 

#2 HTML version

#3 HTML version

#4 HTML version

#5 HTML version

#6 HTML version

#7 HTML version

#8 HTML version

#9 HTML version

#10 HTML version

Each assignment will list the due date and have several problems to be completed and turned in for a grade.  Feel free to print out the assignment pages if you'd like hardcopies.

Problem Set Covering Memo and Format Description

Covering Memo. For each problem set, the set team leader (see description of teamwork format) will prepare a covering memo which must be typewritten. You may use whatever text editor you like to generate the covering memo. This memo should list the course name and number, the section number, the problem set number, the team name, the team leader for the problem set and the names of the team members. The body of the memo should consist of one or two paragraphs that specifically include a description of the number of meetings the team had, who attended each meeting, who did what in preparing the assignment, how the group functioned as a whole and, if there were any conflicts, the nature of the conflicts and how they were resolved. The memo should reflect the consensus of the team; the team leader should have a frank and open discussion with the rest of the team before preparing this memo. Each group member should sign this covering memo to indicate that they have discussed, read and understood the contents of the memo and that they understand the solutions to all the problems on the set. The covering memo will constitute a portion of your group performance grade. While we are not looking for Shakespeare here, we are looking for the ability to express thoughts clearly in a written format: please have the team proofread your writing.  Points will be deducted for spelling errors and grammatical difficulties.

Problem Set Format. Your solutions should be on good quality paper with writing on one side only; here, engineering paper is preferred. Each solution set should be stapled together with numbered pages in the top, right-hand corner (e.g. 2/5 indicates page 2 of 5 total pages). The top, left-hand corner of each page should be labeled with the name of the group. Put the appropriate problem number in the top, center portion of each page. Highlight your answers by either underlining or boxing them and including the appropriate units/dimensions.   After listing your answer to a problem, "Think" by answering in sentence form the questions: "Do our results make sense - why or why not?" and "Is the solution consistent with the assumptions - why or why not?".  Note that we are not looking for plain "yes" or "no" answers here, rather we want you to express in writing your analysis of your results. An order of magnitude estimate or checking calculation may be in order.  Technical accuracy is important, but so is clarity and style of writing. Use full sentences and strive to express your ideas logically and clearly. Points may be deducted for poorly written solutions. Give references for all sources of data, other than the problem statement itself, in your calculations.


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Last updated 4/23/05 by TMP