Reese Cluster Policies and Penalties

The Reese Cluster Policies are as follows:

  • No food or drink in the Cluster.
  • No bikes in the Cluster.
  • No smoking or alcoholic beverages in the Cluster.
  • No removal of any item from the Cluster (paper, toner, color prints w/o paying for them, manuals, etc.)
  • *Do not open the rear Emergency Door except in the case of a genuine emergency. Violation of this policy will lead to suspension from the use of Reese for a semester and may lead to further disciplinary action.*


  • First offense: warning (written)
  • Second offense: one-week suspension from Cluster
  • Third offense: suspension from Cluster for current semester

Please adhere to these policies as they are for the protection of our facilities and equipment. Please respect property belonging to the School of Design. We are trying our best to improve the facilities and we need your cooperation.


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