Reese Cluster
The School of Design provides a private Cluster for Design Students called the Reese Cluster located in room A15 of Margaret Morrison Carnegie Hall. This Cluster is cross-platform with both Macintosh and Windows software, and UNIX software (in public directories) for use by faculty, staff, and students. This collection includes productivity tools such as word processing, spreadsheet and general software packages (communications and utilities packages). This Cluster is responsible for course-specific software for the School of Design, some of this software is not located anywhere else on the CMU campus. This Cluster does not contain cross-curricular software. Departments and interdepartmental programs are responsible for purchasing course-specific software.
The School of Design installs and upgrades three times per year
before each semester (May, August, December/January) based on usage
statistics, requests submitted by faculty, and available space.
Reese Cluster Hours for Spring '00::
Reese Hours of Operation
Class Reservation Schedule
Lending Hours and Procedure
Software lists are available for the following:
Reese Instructions and Policies:
Printing Instructions and Charges
Creating a PDF document using Virtual Printer
Acrobat Distiller settings for Reese printers
Compare with Kinko's Pricing
Policies and Penalties
For more information on CMU's other public clusters
Last updated 1/19/2000 by
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