Alpha Phi Omega Kappa Chapter, Carnegie Mellon

About Us
Service Program
Upcoming Events
Meeting Schedule
Members List
Contact Us

General Information
Alpha Phi Omega (APhiO) is a national, co-educational Service Fraternity based on the principles of Leadership, Friendship, and Service. Membership in our chapter is open to anyone who is a student at Carnegie Mellon; we do not discriminate. Additionally, our service projects are open to anyone, member of the fraternity or not, who would like to participate.

Rush -- Joining Alpha Phi Omega

If you're interested in joining Alpha Phi Omega at Carnegie Mellon, or even think you might be, you should come to a rush event or meeting to learn more. Rush events are held during the first three weeks of each semester (Fall and Spring). See the calendar for a schedule.

If you are interested in joining at some point when it is not rush, you should come to a meeting and talk to the Pledgemaster -- we welcome people who are not members of the chapter to our meetings and events.

For any questions related to rush or pledging, please email the Spring 2014 Pledgemaster, Rene Francolini at

About Our Chapter

Kappa chapter has been around continuously since 1929 and has a rich history. We've also included some pictures of us, since showing is better than telling for explaining our enjoyment of the fraternity and the friends we've made in it since we pledged.

  • History (a narrative about how Kappa Chapter came to be and where we've been since)
  • Photo Archive (some photos of us in action from the past few semesters; hopefully we'll eventually be able to include older photos)
  • Alumni (we've got a list of recent alumni -- this is not our complete membership list)

Alpha Phi Omega beyond Kappa Chapter

National Organization
Alpha Phi Omega is organized on a National scale - divided by regions, sections and chapters. Kappa Chapter is in Region V and Section 66.

Visit the following web pages for more info:

National and Regional Conventions alternate every year In addition to these large-scale conventions, each section (or combined sections) has a Sectional Conference.

International Council of Alpha Phi Omega
The International Council of Alpha Phi Omega was signed into existence on December 28, 1994 at the USA National Convention in Dallas/Ft. Worth, Texas. It is currently composed of the national organizations that exist in the United States of America and the Republic of the Philippines. Simply stated, its goal is to spread the principles of Alpha Phi Omega as exemplified by Frank Reed Horton through college-based chapters around the world. The first nations extension efforts are planned for are Canada and Australia.

Website Credits
Modified: January 14 2013