V.A. Pledge Membership
V.A.1. Invitations for Pledge Membership may be given
to eligible students by a majority vote at the Pledge
Bid Meeting.
V.A.2. In order to be eligible to receive an invitation
for Pledge Membership, a person must be Enrolled
and taking classes at Carnegie Mellon, and, during the current
Rush Period either attend
two events designated by the Pledgemaster as Rush Events,
or attend one such event and provide the Pledgemaster with
written notice of a desire to Pledge.
V.A.3. Invitations for Pledge Membership are valid
only during the Semester in which they are given.
V.A.4. Persons who have a valid invitation for Pledge
Membership shall become Pledge Members upon participating
in the Pledging Ceremony
or Alternate Pledging
V.A.5. Pledge Membership shall continue until the end
of the Initiation Ceremony.
V.A.6. Pledge Membership may be revoked by a two-thirds
(2/3) vote at any Regular
Meeting or Special
Meeting called for that purpose.
V.B. Chapter Active Membership
V.B.1. Invitations for Chapter Active Membership may
be given to eligible Pledge Members by a two-thirds (2/3)
vote at the Initiation
Bid Meeting.
V.B.2. In order to be eligible to receive an invitation
to become a Chapter Active Member, a Pledge Member must complete
during the Pledging
Period all pledging requirements set forth in the Kappa
Chapter Membership Standards.
V.B.3. A Pledge Member who has a valid invitation to
become a Chapter Active Member becomes a Chapter Active Member
upon participating in the Initiation
V.B.4. Invitations for Chapter Active Membership may
be extended to eligible Chapter Transfer Members by a two-thirds
(2/3) vote at the Initiation
Bid Meeting.
V.B.5. In order to be eligible to receive an invitation
to become a Chapter Active Member, a Chapter Transfer Member
must complete during the Pledging
Period all pledging requirements set forth in the Kappa
Chapter Membership Standards, or have previously completed
an equivalent process.
V.B.6. A Chapter Transfer Member who is a Brother
and receives an invitation for Chapter Active Membership becomes
a Chapter Active Member upon accepting the invitation.
V.B.7. A Chapter Transfer Member who is not yet a Brother
and has a valid invitation for Chapter Active Membership becomes
an Chapter Active Member upon participating in the Initiation
V.B.8. An invitation to become a Chapter Active Member
is valid until the end of the second semester after the invitation
is given.
V.B.9. Chapter Active Membership shall continue as
long as the Member is Enrolled,
pays dues to the Treasurer
by the deadline for doing so, and meets all requirements set
forth in the Kappa Chapter Membership
V.B.10. Chapter Active Members shall be registered
as Active Members with the National Office.
V.C. Associate Membership
V.C.1. Associate Membership shall be conferred upon
Chapter Active Members who find it necessary to cease full
involvement in Chapter affairs and properly request such status.
V.C.2. In order to request the status of Associate
Membership, a Chapter Active Member must have paid dues
for the current Semester and provide a written request to
the Chapter for Associate Membership. The request must specify
the duration of Associate Membership.
V.C.3. The requested duration of Associate Membership
must be at least three (3) weeks.
V.C.4. Associate Membership shall continue until the
end of the requested duration, or until the end of the current
Semester, whichever is sooner, at which time the Member shall
return to Chapter Active Membership.
V.D. Chapter Inactive Membership
V.D.1. If a Chapter Active Member does not pay dues
by the deadline, or fails to fulfill the applicable requirements
set in the Kappa Chapter Membership
Standards, the Member shall become a Chapter Inactive
V.D.2. Chapter Inactive Membership shall also be conferred
upon Chapter Active Members who are on leave of absence from
Carnegie Mellon for the duration of their leave of absence.
V.D.3. Chapter Inactive Members not on a leave of absence
shall continue as such until the beginning of the subsequent
Semester, at which time they may return to Chapter Active
Membership upon settling any debts or obligations that they
have to the Chapter, and paying the dues for that Semester
by the deadline for doing so.
V.D.4. Chapter Inactive Members shall be registered
as Active Members with the National Office.
V.D.5. Members who have been Chapter Inactive Members
for three Semesters are considered to have left the Chapter
and shall become Chapter Alumni Members.
V.E. Chapter Alumni Membership
V.E.1. Chapter Alumni Membership shall be conferred
upon all Active and Associate Members of the Chapter who cease
to be Enrolled who are
not Suspended from the Chapter at the time of their departure.
V.E.2. Chapter Alumni Membership shall be conferred
upon all Advisory Members of the Chapter upon the expiration
of their terms.
V.E.3. Chapter Alumni Membership shall be conferred
upon all Honorary Members of the Chapter upon their departure.
V.E.4. Chapter Alumni Members shall be registered as
Alumni Members with the National Office.
V.F. Advisory Membership
V.F.1. Advisory Members shall encourage the development
of high scholastic, Scouting, and fraternal standards. They
shall aid the Chapter in planning and executing projects in
all fields of service. They shall serve as personal advisors
and counselors on Chapter matters whenever they are able to
do so. They shall attend Chapter events as regularly as possible.
V.F.2. Advisory Membership may be conferred upon eligible
persons by a two-thirds (2/3) vote.
V.F.3. Advisory Membership may not be conferred upon
Enrolled students.
V.F.4. If the person receiving Advisory Membership
is a Brother, such Membership
shall take effect immediately.
V.F.5. If the person receiving Advisory Membership
is not yet a Brother, such
Membership shall take effect upon participating in the Initiation
V.F.6. Advisory Membership shall last until the end
of the Session following
the one in which Advisory Membership is conferred.
V.F.7. Advisory Membership may be revoked by a three-fourths
(3/4) vote at any Regular
Meeting or Special
Meeting called for that purpose.
V.G. Honorary Membership
V.G.1. Honorary Membership may be conferred upon eligible
persons who have contributed significantly to the ideals and
purposes of Alpha Phi Omega.
V.G.2. A three-fourths (3/4) vote of all Chapter Active
Members is required to confer Honorary Membership upon an
eligible individual.
V.G.3. Honorary Membership may not be conferred upon
Enrolled students.
V.G.4. Honorary Members are encouraged to participate
in the Initiation
V.H. Chapter Transfer Membership
V.H.1. Chapter Transfer Membership may be conferred
upon Alumni Members in order to allow them to learn about
Kappa Chapter prior to their becoming Chapter Active Members.
V.H.2. A majority vote at the Pledge
Bid Meeting shall be required to confer Chapter Transfer
Membership upon an eligible individual.
V.H.3. Chapter Transfer Membership shall continue until
the end of the Initiation
V.H.4. Chapter Transfer Membership may be revoked by
a two-thirds (2/3) vote at any Regular
Meeting or Special
Meeting called for that purpose.
V.H.5. Chapter Transfer Members shall be registered
as Alumni Members with the National Office.
V.I. Membership Status
V.I.1. A Member shall
hold one and only one type of membership as listed above at
a given time.
V.I.2. Changes in the membership status of a Member
shall take effect immediately upon the announcement of such
change to the Chapter.
V.J. Suspension
V.J.1. A Member may
be suspended from this Chapter for actions which violate these
regulations or which tend to harm, degrade, or otherwise deter
the reputation, integrity, growth, and public image of Alpha
Phi Omega in general or this Chapter specifically.
V.J.2. A three-fourths (3/4) vote at a Regular
Meeting or Special
Meeting called for that purpose shall be required to Suspend
a Member from the Chapter.
V.J.3. A Suspension shall be for a definite time, not
less than six weeks.
V.J.4. A Member who is Suspended from the Chapter shall
be reinstated at the expiration of the Suspension as a Chapter
Inactive Member.
V.J.5. A Member who is Suspended from the Chapter may
be reinstated as a Chapter Inactive Member prior to the expiration
of the Suspension by a three-fourths (3/4) vote at any Regular
Meeting or Special
Meeting called for that purpose.
V.J.6. A Member who is Suspended from the Chapter loses
all rights and privileges held as a consequence of Membership.
V.K. Resignation of Membership
V.K.1. Any Member
may resign Membership in the Chapter by providing written
notice to the Chapter of intent to do so.
V.K.2. A Member who resigns Membership shall lose all
rights and privileges held as a Member.
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