The Chapter shall choose the appropriate number of voting
delegates: at least two weeks before Sectional conferences;
at least one month before Regional conferences; and at least
80 days before National conventions. At the same time the
Chapter shall choose an alternate delegate who will assume
the role of a voting delegate if one of the voting delegates
is unable to perform his duties.
The Chapter shall pay all necessary registration fees for
voting delegates to conventions and conferences. The chapter
shall also pay housing expenses for voting delegates to National
conventions as follows: The chapter shall pay one-fourth (1/4)
of the quadruple occupancy rate at the location designated
by the housing authority of the National Convention for each
of the four nights of December 27th through December 30th.
The Chapter shall not pay transportation, eating expenses,
optional fees, or unnecessary housing expenses for said conventions
and conferences (e.g. optional banquets, or housing for extra
As adopted September 8, 1998
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