INFORMS Organization Science Winter Conference 2025

The Rapid Evolution of Knowledge and Technology in Modern Organizations

February 10-12, 2025 | UCLA, Los Angeles, CA

Submit to OSWC25

We aim to attract diverse scholars working on issues like the ones mentioned above. In the tradition of OSWC, we invite 3- to 5-page proposals for panel sessions and individual paper contributions. As has been the case in the past, much of the plenary program is created from proposals and submissions received from scholars wishing to participate in OSWC. Most authors will be invited to join the highly acclaimed OSWC tradition---the open-ended, evening-long (6–9 pm) interactive poster sessions accompanied by finger food, wine, soft drinks, and desserts. Important: We can guarantee only one participant per paper/poster given the size of the venue. Requests for a second participant will be considered after the program is finalized.

If you are interested in attending OSWC2025 but not as a participant in the program, please submit a one-paragraph statement expressing your desire to participate and describing your interest in the topics addressed above. 50% of the OSWC participation slots are reserved for participants new to the conference (who have not attended in the previous three years).

The application deadline for submissions is October 20, 2024. Submissions for paper presentations, panel proposals, and statements of interest for non-presenting participation should be submitted via the following online forms:

Paper submission

Panel submission

Participation only

Invitations to attend will be extended by the program committee by mid-November, 2024.

If you have any questions, please contact the organizers at