Mark BedillionAssociate Teaching Professor Mechanical Engineering Department
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This page contains my publications for the last five years. For a full list of publications please see my CV.
PUBLISHED/PRESENTED: K. Muci, M. Bedillion, C. Degen, M. Ellingsen, and S. Huang (2017). Incorporating Basic Systems Thinking and Systems Engineering Concepts in a Mechanical Engineering Sophomore Design Course. ASEE Annual Conference. C. Degen, S. Huang, K. Muci, M. Ellingsen, and M. Bedillion (2017). Leveraging a Newly Developed Sophomore Design Course to Increase Students' Career Awareness. ASEE Annual Conference. A. Lalley and M. Bedillion (2016). Novel Direct Model for Machining Regenerative Chatter. ASME International Congress and Exposition. K. Muci, M. Bedillion , C. Degen, M. Ellingsen, and S. Huang (2016). Incorporating Basic Systems Thinking and Systmes Engineering Concepts in a Sophomore-Level Product Design and Development Course. ASME International Congress and Exposition. J. Simmons II, W. Nikshi, M. Bedillion , and R. Hoover (2016). Mechatronic Design of a Mixed Conventional / Braking Actuation Mobile Robot. ASME International Congress and Exposition. W. Nikshi, M. Bedillion, and R. Hoover (2016). Parking Control of Mixed Conventional / Braking Actuation Mobile Robots Using Fuzzy Logic Control. ASME International Congress and Exposition. E. Framstad and M. Bedillion (2015). Control for Robots with Braking Actuators in a Uniform Force Field. ASME International Congress and Exposition. S. Huang, K. Muci, M. Bedillion, M. Ellingsen, and C. Degen (2015). Systems Thinking Skills of Undergraduate Engineering Students. IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference. M. Bedillion, H. Nizar, and R. Hoover (2015). Virtual Laboratories Using Simulink: A Pilot Study. ASEE Annual Conference. S. Huang, C. Degen, M. Ellingsen, M. Bedillion, and K. Muci (2015). Investigating the Impact of an Outreach Activity on High School Students' Attitude towards STEM Disciplines. ASEE Annual Conference. A. Lalley, M. Bedillion, M. Langerman, and U. Korde (2015). Early Incorporation of Design for Manufacturing in the Engineering Curriculum. ASEE Annual Conference. N. Ramakrishnan, M. Bedillion, and P. Chu (2014). Performance-Optimized Design of Electromagnetic Micro-Actuator for Probe Recording Storage Device. Microsystem Technologies , 20(6), pp. 1159-1168. D. Parajuli, M. Bedillion, and R. Hoover (2014). Actuator Array Manipulation Using Low Resolution Local Sensing. ASME International Congress and Exposition. J. McGough, M. Bedillion, and R. Hoover (2014). Replacing Servos with Braking in an Omnidirectional Vehicle. ASME International Congress and Exposition. M. Bedillion, R. Hoover, and J. McGough (2014). A Distributed Manipulation Concept Using Selective Braking. American Control Conference. M. Bedillion, R. Raisanen, and H. Nizar (2014). Improving Transitions Between Sophomore Dynamics and Junior Dynamic Systems Courses. ASEE Annual Conference. M. Ellingsen, C. Degen, M. Bedillion, and K. Muci (2014). Effective Strategies for Generating Awareness and Interest in Science and Engineering among Underrepresented Youth. ASEE Annual Conference. M. Bedillion (2013). Actuator Array Dynamics Incorporating Actuator Inertia. ASME International Congress and Exposition. M. Bedillion, D. Parajuli, and R. Hoover (2013). Distributed Sensing for Actuator Arrays. ASME International Congress and Exposition. M. Bedillion and R. Raisanen (2013). SolidWorks Examples for Dynamics Instruction. ASEE Rocky Mountain Section Conference. M. Bedillion (2013). Lagrangian Projects in Sophomore Dynamics. ASEE Rocky Mountain Section Conference. M. Bedillion and W. Messner (2013). Trajectory Tracking Control for Actuator Arrays. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 21(6), pp. 2341-2349. C. Stensland and M. Bedillion (2012). Sequential vs. Parallel Synthesis for Dual Stage Hard Disk Drives. ASME International Congress and Exposition. S. Malik and M. Bedillion (2012). Event-Based Temperature Control for Machining Using MTConnect. ASME International Congress and Exposition. D. Brech, J. St. Amand, R. Hoover, J. McGough, and M. Bedillion (2012). Design & Development of a Vector Thrusting Quadrotor for Minimally Induced Pitch & Roll Motions. ASME International Congress and Exposition.
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