What's on this page:
- 19th-century restaurants - several restaurants highlighted
- Restaurants listed in directories, 1882-1901
More on related pages:
I hope to add more information here about restaurants and cafes in the
late 19th century here when I have it. Meanwhile, just a few
observations. Many of the restaurants seem to have served alcoholic
drinks. One ad offers free lunches to go with the drinks. Thus
many restaurants seem to have been a combination of restaurant and
saloon, whereas many saloons weren't necessarily also restaurants.
Another thing I've noticed is the popularity of oysters, which is
interesting for several reasons, but to me most of all because Freeland
is not a seaside resort and oysters don't stay fresh for very long. No
electric refrigerators back then.
Note that addresses in these 19th-century Freeland directories are in
an older numbering scheme and don't match today's addresses. They can
be deciphered on the Address numbering
At left is a photo
of the Depierro
Restaurant, listed in the 1886-1888 directory at 56 S. Ridge St. (later
renumbered 520 Ridge St.). In 1895 it was listed as being run by
Michael De Pierro. This was later the site of Procopio's. Thanks to
Charlie Gallagher for spending some time trying to figure out if the
building shown at left is still somewhere on that block. The current
building's roof pitch does not match that shown at left, but the
location is the same and so my guess is that the Depierro building was
replaced with a newer building. Further research reveals that this is
indeed the site that was later Procopio's.
The 1895 directory listed that restaurant still on Ridge St., while
Salvatore and Rocco F. DePierro had their DePierro Bros.
Restaurant on the busy corner of Front and Centre Streets, shown at
That was later the site of the First National Bank. In
the photo the restaurant is next to a building called Freeland
which has Joseph Neuberger's store on its first floor, space for
meetings upstairs, and I'm not sure yet what else (later the site of
Woodie's). Both photos came
from John Zubach.
At left is Adam Sachs'
Restaurant. He is shown standing on the porch,
holding a small child. From the 1882-1884 city directory up through
that of 1900-1901, this restaurant/saloon is listed at 5 Front Street,
which is just a few buildings east of Centre Street, a prime location.
I have no directories after that until 1921-1922, so I don't know when
the restaurant/saloon went out of business. Likewise, I have not seen
any directories earlier than that of 1882-1884, so I don't know when
the business was started. The photo was provided by Fred Sachs.
Restaurants listed in directories,
It’s hard to clearly separate bars from restaurants, because
there’s so
much overlap between them. Yet it seems sensible to have separate pages
bars and restaurants. Many restaurants are just restaurants, whether or
not they
serve alcoholic drinks. Many bars are just bars, although many also
serve some food, even if only snacks or a limited selection of bar
food. We’ve also had many bars in Freeland that served meals, usually
cooked by women in the family. During Prohibition, meals and
non-alcoholic drinks were mainly how these places stayed in business.
So the lines are not clear-cut, and I put these businesses on one page
or the other mostly depending on how they were categorized in
directories or in their own ads. For
this reason, whether you’re on the Saloons and Bars page or the
Restaurants page, please check out the other one, too!
1882-1884 city directory
Restaurants in business listings:
Ludwig, Rudolph O., restaurant, Public road near borough line
Sachs, Adam, restaurant, Front near Centre
Wassner, Catharine, Mrs., restaurant, Walnut near Washington
1884-1886 city directory
Restaurants in business listings:
Cunningham, Patrick, restaurant, 24 E. Walnut
Duscheck, Charles, restaurant, 30 S. Washington
Ludwig, Rudolph O., restaurant, Johnson near Pine
McShea, Frank, restaurant, Main near Washington
Sachs, Adam, restaurant, 5 E. Front
Vanduskey, Charles, restaurant, 41 E. Walnut
Wassner, Catharine, Mrs., restaurant, 39 E. Walnut
1886-1888 city directory
Restaurants in business listings:
Abend, J. F., restaurant, 30 E. Walnut
Depierro Bros., restaurant, 56 S. Ridge
Duscheck, Charles, restaurant, 30 S. Washington
McShea, Frank, restaurant, Main near Washington
Roberts, William, restaurant, 12 E. Front
Sachs, Adam, restaurant, 5 E. Front
Steinberger, Levin H., restaurant, 21 E. Front
Ulrich, Philip, restaurant, 57 E. Walnut
Vanduskey, Charles, restaurant, 41 E. Walnut
Wassner, Catharine, Mrs., restaurant, 39 E. Walnut
1889 mercantile directory
Restaurants in business listings:
Sacks, Adam - Restaurant
The Wilkes-Barre News, Feb.
John H. Amend, 49 Centre St.
Manus Brennan, 63 Centre St.
Andrew Curing, South St.
Ralph Depierro, Ridge St.
Stephen Drasher, 20 Centre St.
Charles Dushek, Main & Washington
Maurice Ferry, 56 Washington St.
James Givens, 31 Centre St.
William R. Jeffreys, 19 & 21 Front St.
William Johnson, 59 Walnut St.
Thomas J. Moore, 55 Washington
Edward Murphy, 29 Centre St.
Adam Sachs, 5 Front St.
Libor Winter, 11 Front St.
Peter Yasinsti, 15 Walnut St.
John Zeitloft, 43 Washington St.
1895 Freeland city directory
Restaurants in business listings:
Drasher, Stephen - 20 Centre
1897 city directory
Restaurants in business listings:
Burkhart, William - 10 E Front
DeFoy, Jane - 100 S Washington
DePierro Bros. - Centre corner Front
Eberett, Frank - Main corner Washington
Ferry, Maurice - Washington corner South
Llewellyn, Thomas - Centre corner Main
Maloy, J. J. - 51, 53 S Centre
Murphy, Edward - Centre corner Main
Rugens, John - 74 S Centre
Sachse, Adam - 5 E Front
Winters, Libor - 15 E Front
1897 city directory
Restaurants in individual
Burkhart, William, restaurant, 10 & 12 E. Front, h, w
DeFoy, Jane (widow of Alfred), restaurant, 100 S. Washington, h, w
Eberett, Frank, restaurant, Main corner Washington, h, w
Ferry, Maurice, restaurant, Washington corner South, h, w
Llewellyn, Thomas, restaurant, Centre corner Main, h, w
Malloy, J. J., restaurant, 51-53 Centre S, h, w
Rugens, John, restaurant, 74 Centre S, h, w
Sachse, Adam, restaurant, 5 Front E, h, w
Winters, Libor, restaurant, 15 Front E, h, w
1900-1901 city directory
Restaurants in business listings:
DePierro Bros., restaurant, Ridge
Maloy, James J., restaurant and saloon, 53 Centre
Rugens, John, saloon and restaurant, 74 Centre
Shambora, Peter, saloon and restaurant, 162 Centre