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of Freeland, Pa. Buildings |
FREELAND CENTENNIAL COMFORTER ![]() NAMED HALLS, BLOCKS AND OTHER BUILDINGS IN THE 1920s In the 1921-1922 city directory there was a listing of "Halls, Buildings and Blocks", and the 1928-1929 directory had some additional named buildings listed. Some of these buildings can still be readily identified because their names were carved into them and can still be seen, often near the tops of the buildings. In other cases, identification is more difficult, and in some cases the buildings are no longer there. Eventually there will be more information on this page regarding these buildings and others, the purposes for which they were used, and the people or organizations for which they were named. Meanwhile, if you know of others that should be added to this list, I'd appreciate it if you'd let me know about them. Thanks. Balon Building - 538 Centre BUILDINGS AND
BLOCKS LABELED ON SANBORN FIRE INSURANCE MAPS: 1900 Sanborn map Birkbeck BlockOswald Bldg. Y.M.C.A. Bldg. 1905, 1912, 1946 Sanborn maps 1923 Sanborn map Y.M.C.A. Bldg. 1929 Sanborn map Freeland Hall |