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of Freeland, Pa. Shoemakers and shoe repair shops |
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The photo at top left, taken after the 1914 blizzard, shows a shoemaker sign in front of a building in the 700 block of Centre Street, west side of the block; thanks to the Freeland Historical Society for this photo. SHOEMAKERS / SHOE REPAIR SHOPS [Thanks to Eddie Barna, Hank Bartol, Tom Lavinka, Lisa Alzo for additions and corrections. 1940 census notes come from Ed Merrick.] ![]() Henry Bartol - 973 Chestnut St.; earlier location was 164 Main St. in Eckley, but shoemaker was listed in census as Ludwick Bartol, shoemaker, shoe repair shop (1940 Census) (From Hank Bartol in 2005: My father operated a shoe repair shop on Chestnut Street (the building in the back yard is still there) from when we moved there from Eckley in 1942. He repaired shoes in the business his father had started in Eckley in the 1930's. He sold the equipment and left when the coal mining slowed so much that he lost his job in 1954 after 29 years. The Freeland shop was at the rear of the side-yard (building still there last month) 973 Chestnut Street. In Eckley it was the first building across the street from the Company Store. Grandfather lost his leg in a mine accident, and the only compensation was to allow him to rent the company house and act as a watchman at the breaker for the coal company.) Angelo Cordaro's - 713 Centre St. - His shop was later taken over by Dominick Sandora (from Ed Merrick, 1938 ad) ![]() ![]() ![]() Mihaly Fenscak - location unknown (From Lisa Alzo: My great-grandparents Mihaly and Ilona (Helen) Lesko Fenscak/Fencak (father's side) settled there in 1893 and one of my grandmother's sisters was born there and baptized at St. Mary's Byzantine Church. They only stayed there a couple of years and then returned to Slovakia. My great-grandfather was a bootmaker by trade.) ![]() (CT: My brother Steve and I both remember this man, living on Fern Street with his wife Lucille, and his son Joe and family lived next door to them. Antonio had a shoe repair shop on Centre Street, between Luzerne and South streets. Both Steve and I remember it well, as our family had lots of shoes repaired by him over the years. Antonio's son Joe was in the military and served in both WWII and then the Korean War, my brother thinks he remembers hearing. By the mid-1950s he's living in the duplex, and soon after he was managing Allan's Shoe Store on the corner of Main and Centre streets. We both remember buying shoes from him there, and my brother thinks he ran that store for more than 10 years; he commented that it was interesting that Antonio was a shoemaker (the usual term in town for the folks who repaired shoes) and Joe ran a shoe store.) Louis and Leon Guerriere - 730 Centre St. (Louis Guerriere, employer, shoemaker, and Leon Guerriere, shoemaker) (age 55 in 1940 Census) ; he and Leon are listed in city directory as both living at 723 Main St. (725 in Census and 1941 phonebook), with Leon having the shop Leon Guerreri – north Centre Street – Cobbler (1923 newspaper notice) ![]() Rocco Lutz - 428 Centre St. (From Eddie Barna: My wife Maria's grandfather Leo Ravina and his wife Theresa ran the shoe repair shop at 428 Centre, and when he bought the bar at 449 Ridge Street, Maria's parents, Rocco and Katherine moved to 428 Centre Street and Rocco ran the shoe repair shop until the mid sixties.) Leo and Rocco Ravina - 428 Centre St. (Leo Ravina, proprietor, and later Rocco Ravina took over) (From Eddie Barna: My wife Maria's grandfather Leo Ravina and his wife Theresa ran the shoe repair shop at 428 Centre, and when he bought the bar at 449 Ridge Street, Maria's parents, Rocco and Katherine moved to 428 Centre Street and Rocco ran the shoe repair shop until the mid sixties.) (From Charlie Stumpf's Freeland book, page 44: Leo Ravina, a native of Revo, Italy settled in Freeland in 1920 and for the next 20 years he operated a shoe repair shop ...") ![]() Dominick Sandora - 713 Centre St. - Took over the shop formerly conducted by Angelo Cordaro (from Ed Merrick, 1938 ad) Frank Spock - 613 Schwabe St. John A. Williams - 333 Centre St. Shoemakers and shoe repair shops listed in directories, 1900-1940 1900-1901 city directory Shoemakers in business listings: Black Diamond Shoe Repairing Co., 117 Centre Williams, Tony, boot repairing, 35 Centre 1921-1922 city directory Shoemakers in business listings: Avigliano, John – 333 Centre Chiarella, Lawrence – 349 Centre Cordaro, Angelo – 432 Centre Craigle, Frank – 1115 Birkbeck Defina, Michael – 609 Centre Didonato, Dominick – 247 Centre Giarletto, Louis – 323 Centre Guerreri, Louis – 323 Centre Guerrieri, Leon – 730 Centre Guerrere, Salvatore – 453 Centre Stunz, Henry – 901 Ridge 1928-1929 city directory Shoe repairers in business listings: Avigliano, John, 333 Centre Cordaro, Angelo, 432 Centre Del Regno, Victor, 232 Ridge Dinovic, Anthony P., 607 Centre Guerrieri, Antonio, 706 Main Guerrieri, Leon, 730 Centre Guerrieri, Salvatore, 736 South Ravina, Leo, 428 Centre Stunz, Henry, 901 Ridge 1940 city directory Shoe repairers in business listings: DeMelfi, Jos. - 446 Centre Dinovic, Anthony - 605 Centre Guerrieri, Leon - 730 Main Ravina, Leo - 428 Centre Sandora, Dominick - 713 Centre Shpock, Frank - 613 Schwabe Williams, Jno. A. - 333 Centre |