What's on this page:
- Photos and postcards of Freeland area basketball teams
- Team mascots
On related pages:
As always, if you
can identify anyone in these photos not already identified below,
will you please let me know and I'll post the information. Also,
additional photos or information can be shared here. Thank you, and
Written on this issue
of the Penny Saver: "Freeland 'Crescents' 1903?" So apparently there
were both a Crescents football team and a Crescents basketball team.
From the Penny Saver 3(1): February 1965, front page: "The Freeland
Crescents as they were called, played in an independent league, playing
most of the active teams in the Anthracite region." Front row: George
Jaquot, William Davis -- 2nd row: Jerry Sloan, Peter O'Donnel, Connie
Welsh, John Novak -- 3rd row: George "Butch" Hartman, Former Burgess of
Freeland, Walter Davis, Louis Stolts, Former Freeland Chief of Police.
Photo courtesy of the Freeland Historical Society.
Postcard postmarked
1911, and the message mentions Brogan and the Tri-County League. Player
seated second from left is labeled "Kugler" at his feet. Photo from
John Zubach.
Freeland Pros
basketball team 1913-1914. Back row: Dr. Maley, Alfie Biscowsi, Butch
Hudock, Gene Boyle, John McGarey -- front row: Butch Schaub, Tom
Baskin, Effie Welsh, Jim Brogan, seated John Welsh. Photo from John
Zubach. The Freeland Historical Society had this photocopy of the front
page of the Freeland Penny
Saver 2(1): March, 1964 where it was published, with this caption.
"Presented here for basketball fans is
Freeland Professional basket ball team playing in the Penn State
League. According to information, Freeland when playing in a play-off
with Wilkes Barre imported Billy Kummer. Kummer, at that time, was
considered one of the best players in the world. For this play off a
special train ran from Freeland to Wilkes Barre … Freeland Lost!" Photo
courtesy of the Freeland Historical Society.
[That statement about importing Billy Kummer runs counter to the story
of the "All Home Five," so more research needs to be done to see if
Kummer was really imported into the Freeland team. - CT].
See also the Ed Merrick's page on the Penn
State League.
Independents basketball team 1914-1915. Photos from John Zubach.
YMCA Girls Basketball team
1915. Written on the ball: "1915 L.C." - anyone know what that means?
Photo courtesy of Tom Landers, Joe Flanagan, and the Freeland
Historical Society.
This photo of
the 1916-1917
Freeland High basketball team comes to us courtesy of Tom Lavinka. The
larger image of the photo has been repaired
digitally by Jay Cawley.
basketball team, ca. 1917. Written on the back: L-R Jonus Steward,
_____, __ Hoch, John Sullivan, Geo Thomas; T. E. Lewis (in front, I
think). Also, here is George Thomas, Junior Independents basketball
team, ca. 1917. Photos
courtesy of Tom Landers, Joe Flanagan, and the Freeland Historical
This photo of
the 1917-1918
Freeland High basketball team also comes to us courtesy of Tom Lavinka.
FHS varsity basketball
team, 1917-1918. Front row, L-R: Bill Nagel, Sullivan, P. Shoemaker, B.
Flad -- back row, L-R: _____, Bill Collins, Dick Lentz, John
Oberrender, Dr. Robert Seitzinger, coach. Information written by Tom
Landers. Photos courtesy of Tom
Landers, Joe Flanagan, and the Freeland Historical Society.
FHS girls
basketball team, 1919-1920. What a great photo! That's St. John's
Reformed Church in the background (before the brick church was built),
and they're seated on the grounds of DCM. Great navy-style middy
shirts. Photo courtesy of the Freeland Historical Society.
FHS girls
basketball team, 1921-1922. Photo from John Zubach.
Freeland High School
Boys Basketball Team 1921-1922. From the PennySaver 7(2), April 1969,
p. 8. "Again you can have the fun of naming the face. At forward was
Nocchi, and Hoch, center A. Dreisbach, and the guards were Sweeney and
MdGroarty. Nocchi was high man on the foul line with 176 points
shooting scores like 23 out of 32 tries." Photo from John Zubach.
MMI basketball team,
1922-1923, won 18 out of 20 games. This is great, someone wrote the
names on the back, AND wrote the first initial of each player's last
name on their shirt, so we can see who's who! C. Schaube (forward), A.
Nocchi (guard), D.J. Toomey (forward), W. Marshman (sub), E. W. Dogget
(guard), E. Schaube (center), S. Miller (sub). Photos courtesy of MMI
Preparatory School.
FHS girls
basketball team, 1924-1925. Photo courtesy of Tom Landers, Joe
Flanagan, and the Freeland Historical Society.
Freeland "P"
basketball team, 1924-1925. Written on the basketball: “P 24-25,” and
their shirts have a P with a circle around it. Written on reverse side:
“Mrs. Alfred Urenovich, 712 Ingham St.” - “Hauseknecht, Fox, Billman,
Fisher, Williams” - also, “Florence Welsh” in pencil (the other writing
is in black crayon). Photos from John Zubach.
FHS basketball team, 1926.
Sorry this photo isn't clearer. Photo courtesy of Tom Landers, Joe
Flanagan, and the Freeland Historical Society.
This photo of the 1926
Freeland High basketball team comes from another longtime site
contributor Eddie Barna. The photo at top left shows the basketball
they used when they won this championship game. Eddie wrote: "The only
two I can identify are in the back row; second from the left is my
uncle Andy Brezina and the guy in the center back is Howard Hontz, the
MMI basketball team,
1926-1927. Photo courtesy of MMI Preparatory School.
FHS girls basketball
team, 1926-1927 - the ball says Champions! First row, L-R: Louise
Ferdinand, Mary Della Croce, Ann Corazza -- 2nd row, Jennie Lentz,
Hazel Yannes, Helen Brennan -- 3rd row: Earl Unger (coach), Ruth
Lesser, Helen Gaffney, Anna Nemeth, Rose Capece, Elnora Bell, Ruth
Kramer (manager). Photo courtesy of Tom Landers, Joe Flanagan, and the
Freeland Historical Society.
MMI basketball team,
1927-1928; photo by Steward's. L-R, seated on the floor, L-R: Harry
Chamberlain, Carl Richards -- seated on chairs: Joe Rogan, Bill Bray,
Bill Davis (captain), Emil Petchel, Warren Welch -- standing: Daniel S.
J. Buckley (assistant manager), David Jones, Al Sulima, Vic Oleyar
(manager), Charles Kunze, Pete Kobrick, Anthony J. "Tony" Dougherty
(coach). Photo courtesy of MMI Preparatory School.
MMI basketball team,
1927-1928. L-R, seated on the floor, L-R: Harry Chamberlain, Carl
Richards -- seated on chairs: Joe Rogan, Bill Bray, Bill Davis
(captain), Emil Petchel, Warren Welch -- standing: Anthony J. "Tony"
Dougherty (coach), David Jones, Al Sulima, Vic Oleyar (manager),
Charles Kunze, Pete Kobrick, Daniel S. J. Buckley (assistant manager).
Photos courtesy of MMI Preparatory School.
FHS Girls
Basketball - 1927-1928 Eastern Pa. Champs. Standing: Adeline Singer
(center), Dorothy Slusser (guard), Herbert Rathey (coach), Annette
Learn (manager), Melba Mayberry (forward), Ruth Lentz (center) --
sitting: Harriet Mayberry (side center), Jennie Chehoskey (forward),
Jenny Lentz (captain, forward), Elizabeth Porter (guard), Josephine
Corazza (guard) -- first row: May Chenetz (side center), Mary Capece
(forward). Also written on back of photo: "Board of Strategy" - H. E.
Rathey, coach; J. E. Lentz, captain; A. D. Learn, manager. Photos
courtesy of Tom Landers, Joe Flanagan, and the Freeland Historical
FHS basketball team, 1928.
Sorry this photo isn't clearer. Some names identified: M. Nocchi, C.
Coxe, F. Lorenzetti, Marchetti, and coach Rathey in the back row.
The label was written by Tom Landers. Photos courtesy of Tom Landers,
Joe Flanagan, and the Freeland
MMI basketball team, 1929.
Photo courtesy of MMI Preparatory School.
Marion Gabuzda Boyle Denion
is sharing this great photo of the 1931 Freeland High School girls'
basketball team. She wrote: "In the
photo I'm sending, Eleanor Yannes is
seated with the ball. Irene Gabuzda is standing on the right end. The
coach was Herb Rathey." Can anyone reading this identify anyone
Please let me know and I'll post the information here.
After I initially posted this, I heard from Eleanor Boyle Duckett, who
says that the woman standing in the back row, next to the coach, is
Eleanor Boyle. One of her brothers, James Boyle, is pictured in the
1934-1935 championship picture further down on the page. James went on
to play basketball at the University of Scranton. At Freeland High, he
was #7.
FHS girls varsity
basketball team, 1931. Now from the Y we have the names of these girls!
L-R front row: T. Gross, H. Moore, J. Balon, E. Yannes, T. Miller, A.
Eroh, M. Kramer -- back row: H. Rathy, E. Boyle, M. Abrams, H. Maysory,
R. Seidenberg, P. Raneri, I. Gabuzda. Label written by Tom Landers.
Photo courtesy of Tom Landers,
Joe Flanagan, and the Freeland Historical Society.
This photo of
the 1931-1932
Freeland Y.M.C.A. basketball team (I had previously mistakenly labeled
it as Freeland High, sorry) comes from another correspondent, Ethel
Maso Paoletti. It is from her late brother Silvio's scrapbook, which
she sent to me awhile back so that I could make a copy and then return
it to her. Silvio died in 2007 at age 89. Back row, left to right: Jack
Kresge, financial secretary; George Yannes, guard; Herb Rathey, forward
and guard; Duke Wright, coach; Eddie Deitch, center; Joie Rogan,
forward; William D. Morgan, manager. Seated, left to right: Danny Gauz,
guard; Eddie Simms, guard; Charlie McGeehan, forward; Charlie Coxe,
guard; and Dr. Gauz, forward. The team's mascot, shown holding the
ball, was Jack Beltz. Here's the full
page from Silvio's scrapbook.
Here is the same Y.M.C.A.
basketball team of 1931-1932. The basketball shows that they were
N.E.PA. Champs that year. Ethel Maso Paoletti had earlier sent me her
brother Silvio Mason’s scrapbook that included the newspaper copy of
this photo and also gave all of the identifications (see above), so
it's wonderful to also have this original photo from Mary Rosenkrans.
Another photo from Silvio Maso's scrapbook doesn't
have a date attached to it but would appear to be from the 1930s. The
caption reads: This is Herb Rathey's powerful Freeland High School
basket ball team, champions of the Carbon-Schuylkill Interscholastic
League, which found them closing a hectic race with 12 victories out of
14 games, one of the most decisive triumphs scored by a championship
team in years in that loop. The team will go to Pottsville High
tomorrow night to meet Frackville High, the undefeated leaders of the
Schuylkill region, in the first of the P.I.A.A. playoffs. Reading left
to right the personnel is: Front row, sitting - Luckenbill, Putro,
Belekanich, Mischissen, C. Boyle and Krone. Standing - Coach Herb
Rathey, J. Boyle, Zahn, Manager D. Lesser, Rowlands, J. Lesser. Kuglis,
a member of the team, was not present when the picture was taken. (From
Karl Krone: I believe the person missing was actually George Kuklis who
worked for the Freeland Water Company for many years. Krone is clearly
my father, Karl Krone Sr. He is actually second from the right on
the bottom. I have another team photo from what was probably the next
year. On it are George Kuklis, Rudy Corrazza and Karl Krone.)
FHS Girls
Basketball 1931-1932. Frank Balon
wrote: "My Aunt Julie (Balon) Kobelka
is to
the left of the girl holding the ball. During this time period, the
girls played the game with different rules than the boys. There were 6
players on the floor for each team, but you were restricted to the
areas of the floor that you could play. Perhaps someone can recognize
the coach or other players?" Eleanor
Boyle Dunkett wrote: "The woman on
the first row, far right, is my aunt, Eleanor Boyle." And Marion Denion wrote: "The girl
with the ball is Eleanor Yannes. Eleanor and Julie were best friends. I
know this because Eleanor Yannes married my oldest brother George
Gabuzda." The coach, we now
see from all of these
other photos, is Herb Rathey. Photo courtesy of Frank Balon; previously
posted by him on Facebook and re-posted here with his permission.
FHS Carbon-Schuylkill Interscholastic League Champs
ca. 1930s. L-R front row: Luckenbill, Putro, Belekanich, Nischissen, C.
Boyle, Krone -- back row: Herb Rathey (coach), J. Boyle, Zahn, D.
Lesser (manager), Rohlands, J. Lesser. Kuglis (Kuklis?) absent. Photo
courtesy of the Freeland Historical Society.
St. Ann's
basketball team, 1932-1933. Photo courtesy of the Freeland Historical
MMI Basketball team,
1933 - here on the back are most of the names for this photo. L-R back
row: Harold
Domchick (manager), Ben Wysocky, Andrew Nemshick, Tony Daugherty
(coach), Harold Yevak, Eddie Malloy, _____ (equipment manager) -- front
row: John Krusko, Anthony Dipronio, Tiny Peterso, Jack Fairchild,
_____, Ferdinand ... Photos courtesy of MMI Preparatory School.
FHS basketball team, 1933.
L-R seated: Mike "Tixie" Surgent, Karl Krone, J. DellaCroce, Rudy
Corazza, George Kuklis -- standing: Herb Rathey (coach), Punko Snyder,
William "Whipper" Karpowich, Chappy Boyle, S. Koskolis, Stan Kopetz
(student manager). Photo courtesy of the Freeland Historical Society.
In this other version, some names were mistyped. Photo courtesy of Tom
Landers, Joe Flanagan, and the Freeland Historical Society.
This photo of the 1934-1935 Freeland
High team comes from Eleanor Boyle Duckett and her brother Gerald -
their father James Boyle was number 7.
This *might* be the
label for the 1934-1935 photo, but I'm not sure because we're one name
short for
the front row. L-R
first row: Bob Luckenbill, Jim Boyle, Mickey Mischissin, Henry Putro,
Chappy Boyle -- second row: Herb Rathy (coach), Rolands, Doug Lesser,
Bill Zahn, Kuglis (Kuklis?), P. Lesser. Label written by Tom Landers.
Photo courtesy of Tom Landers,
Joe Flanagan, and the Freeland Historical Society.
Boyle Duckett sent this scan of her brother James Boyle's FHS Varsity
Basketball certificate for 1934.
This photo of the 1936 Freeland
High team also comes from Eleanor Boyle Duckett and her brother Gerald
their father James Boyle was number 7. Eleanor added: "Gerald
"Chappy" Boyle may be number 10 in the 1936 photo. We have no
idea what the names are of the other players.".
This photo of the 1936-1937 MMI basketball team
comes from Barbara Bartol Rentenbach, and that's her father Wante
Bartolo in the front row, center. Front row, left-right: Joseph Gresko,
John Spire, Wante Bartol, Julius Fox, Bruno Procopio. Second row,
Martin O'Donnell, Edward Hershock, Captain George Gabuzda, George
Davis, Irving Biasi. Third row, Coach Anthony Doughterty, William
Gallagher, Managers John Herkalo and George Miglas, Albert Petrosky,
and MMI Principal Lambert E. Broad.
And here are two
more versions of the same photo of the MMI
basketball team, 1936-1937. L-R back row: Coach Dougherty, Gallagher,
Mgrs. Herklo, Miglas, Petrosky, Principle Broad -- middle row:
O'Donnell, Henshock, Captain Gabuzda, Davis, Biasi -- front row:
Greshko, Spire, Bartol, Fox, Procoppio. Photos courtesy of Tom Landers,
Joe Flanagan, and the Freeland Historical Society.
FHS basketball team,
1937-1938. L-R front row: Anthony Karpowich, Eddie Putro, Steve Rudy,
Anthony Ricotta, Jackie Johnson, Johnny Mischissen -- back row: J.
Citro, John Kleitz, Emil Dovan, George (Judy) Mischissin, Andy
Lakitsky. Photo courtesy of Tom Landers, Joe Flanagan, and the Freeland
Historical Society.
Steve Mischissen sent this note
about Coach Rathey and about a game
with a Bethlehem team:
I was looking at photos from your website about
Freeland High
basketball teams from the 1930’s. My father and three of his brothers
all played for Freeland in the 1930’s and one younger brother played
for Freeland in the 1940’s, and I believe another brother for MMI in
the late ‘40’s. My father, George ‘Juddy’ Mischissin was a 1339
graduate and his three older brothers played on earlier teams, Johnny,
Mickey and Nick. Some of these teams were quite successful.
My father spoke very highly of Coach Herb Rathey, who coached both
basketball and football in Freeland and I believe was a Freeland HS
graduate himself. My father said he also was a good teacher. I
researched the Hazleton newspaper, The Daily Standard, and in 1938, an
October issue was about how little coach Rathey was paid. In 1938 he
had an annual salary of $1,780, much less than other teachers who were
paid up to $3,500 annually according to this article.
One story that always stuck with me that my father conveyed was that
the Freeland football team traveled to Bethlehem to play a football
game. I am not sure if this was regular season or a scrimmage game, or
the exact year; but it may have been 1938. The Bethlehem team, maybe
Liberty HS, was a better team with a much larger enrollment. After the
game my father spoke with the Bethlehem players, who had won. They said
they were concerned about the Freeland team before the game, so they
brought in several ‘ringers’ to play. These ringers were in fact
steelworkers from Bethlehem Steel. My father told them that Freeland
too had brought a ringer, I believe it was his brother, Johnny, to play
because they knew Bethlehem has strong players. Johnny had been the
center on the Freeland High basketball team and a 1938 graduate.
I discovered reading the Hazleton Daily Standard that Liberty HS played
at Hazleton HS in October 1938 and Hazleton won convincingly. It was a
very well attended game, drawing over 5,000 fans, many coming from
Bethlehem, and covered in quite detail by the paper.
Basketball and football meant a lot to players back then, and Freeland,
for its small size, put together good teams under Coach Rathey. My
father and his three older brothers all went into the Army after 1939
and served in Europe during the war. My uncle Nick Mischissin was
killed in action in November 1944 in Belgium, where he was buried. His
infantry division, the Blue and Gray, was involved in D Day invasion in
France, then the push towards Germany in later 1944. My uncle Johnny
continued to play in town basketball leagues after the war. Their
youngest brother, Steve, captained the Franklin and Marshall college
football team in the early 1950’s. My grandfather was an immigrant
(Slovakia area) and worked as a mine mule driver in Drifton.
They were the greatest generation.
1938-1939 Anthracite League Champs. L-R front row: Eddie Kleitz, Andy
Lakitsky (dec.),
Alfred McKiniry (dec.), Joe LaPorte, Tom Bradley (dec.), Joe Tomsho.
Standing, L-R: Emil Dovan (dec.), Thomas Cosgrove (dec.), George
"Judy" Mischissen, Coach Herb Rathey (dec.), John Kleitz (dec.), Jack
and Robert Orr (dec.). Steve's dad George Mischissen is shown standing
next to Coach Rathey. This newspaper photo comes from
Steve Mischissen.
Steve shared a transcript of an article from the Hazleton Plain
Speaker, December 5, 1938 -- ellipses and parentheses with question
marks are mine, showing where the transcription is missing information.
It's an interesting read about what was considered to be a challenging
upcoming season that ended in a championship:
Squad For This Year Smallest,
Tough Schedule Lies Ahead For Whippets
Five-Year Record of North Siders in Danger, spirits still running high
but Coach Herb Rathey Freeland High appears to be ... a mournful dirge
over the fall prospect fact that not one or two three or four, but all
six of the players who carried them to the Anthracite League
championship last year have departed never to return Ricotta. Putro.
Johnson, Johnny Mischissin, that they were a sweet gang of ball players.
Smallest Yet -- The group that's left is spirited and likely to be
tough by the end of the season; but it's going to take a lot of work on
the part of Coach Rathey to make them good enough to uphold Freeland's
great record. On top of everything else, they're small physically,
probably the smallest group that has yet played varsity basketball for
the crafty Heritor from the North Side. When you talk about upholding
Freeland basketball records, you've really got something there; because
in the past five years Coach Rathey's cohorts have won 92 and lost only
__ (?), not bad in any league. Last season, they won 20 and lost only
4; so that gives you a general idea. In four years, they have finished
up no worse than tied for league honors.
The Material -- But all the reminiscing ... can't stall forever a look
at this year's material; so here goes. The first string quintet this
season Is very likely to be composed of five foot three Andy Lakitsky
of football and Alf McKinery, up from the jay-vees as forwards; Emil
Doran, six foot one football player or junior Jim Holtzclaw at center;
and "Judy" Mischissin and Tomsho, a pair if footballers, or the Kleitz
brothers, at guard. Out of this group, only three players, Lakitsky,
Mischissin, and Johnny Kleitz have had any varsity playing experience
whatsoever. What's going to happen when the others get under the fire
of such formidable foes as Frackville and Coal Township is a question
only time and the apparently unending Freeland basketball charm can
Another Combination -- Herb also has another combination, which
features Tiny Orr, a six foot four centerman who may be outstanding
when he acquires more experience. A pair of left-handers, Jackie
Confair and Chappie Lentz, are the forwards; and Tom Bradley and Joe
LaPorte are two better than average guards. Also not to be forgotten is
the promising jay-vee squad that Eddie Witch (?), the pro star who is
Herb's assistant, is developing. This group is at least on comer in
Johnny Rudy; and a couple of the others may also crack the varsity
squad before the season is over.’
Steve also shared two newspaper articles from and January 22, 1936 and
December 4, 1937 that discussed where Freeland HS wanted to play their
home games -- staying with the smaller home court meant that the team
would be excluded from certain competitions. He commented: Obviously
the Freeland YMCA was a larger court than they had in the Freeland High
School Gymnasium on Dewey Street. It appears that using the Freeland
YMCA for home games didn’t get approved until the 1938-1939 season.
The 1937-1938 basketball team won the first Anthracite League
championship. My uncle Johnny Mischissin and my father George
Mischissin were on that team. The following year, despite early
predictions, the 1938-1939 team also won the championship despite
losing many starters from the previous year!
YMCA JayVees
basketball team, 1939-1940. Photo courtesy of Tom Landers, Joe
Flanagan, and the Freeland Historical Society.
Here's an MMI team
photo from
longtime site contributor Ed Merrick, showing the MMI
1939-1940 team. Ed wrote: "This photo
shows my uncle, Ed Remak, holding
the basketball for an MMI team photo. The presence of the trophy and
the 'MMI 39-40' on the basketball would seem to indicate a
championship." The enlarged image was repaired digitally by Jay
Cawley; here's what the
actual photo looks like. Amazing what someone skilled in digital
graphics can do.
FHS Anthracite
League champs, 1940-1941. Won 21, lost 2. L-R front row: T. Orr, J.
Zedalis, R. Zahn, P. Shovelin, L. Corazza, A. Preat, J. Rudy -- back
row: Petro (manager), B. Contress, E. Hughes, T. Mohan, H. Rathey
(coach), R. Rees, E. Martesevich, J. Rock, P. Cerula (manager). Photos
courtesy of the Freeland Historical Society.
FHS basketball team,
1943-1944. L-R: Frank Kuklis, Art Nagle, Mike Zedalis, Tom Mischissen,
Ed Lakovich, Bob Lawrence. See also the interesting notes on the
reverse side. Photos courtesy of Tom Landers, Joe Flanagan, and the
Freeland Historical Society.
identifications, Charlie Gallagher had earlier suggested: "That may be Foster Township 40,
41, 42 or maybe even as late as 43." Now we have an
update. Joe Plaksa is sharing these two versions of a photo of the
Township High School basketball team of 1941. I had a scan of a
photocopy on my Basketball page already, scanned at the Y in 2008, but
I didn’t have the names of the players, nor the team or the year. Now
Joe has sent a copy of the actual photo, and he wrote:
Charlotte, I recently found
more information for the Foster Township "Falcons" basketball team
photo you already have on your site. The picture is dated from 1941. I
photographed it showing the names of the players. I believe it is on
the wall of the Freeland YMCA. The Joe Falatko in the picture was my
Uncle, Joseph "Ganze" Falatko, long time Standard Speaker newspaper
correspondent for the Freeland and North Side section of the newspaper.
Will keep you updated as I find other information that adds to your
site. -- Joseph Plaksa.
is the photo as it appeared on the wall of the Freeland Y.M.C.A.,
with all of the names of the players, coach, managers given.
here is a cleaned-up crop of that photo. I've retyped the names here so
that they're searchable online:
Front row, L-R: Joe Reznick, Raymond Soroko, Jack Gallagher, Steve
Boder, Joe Falatko.
Back row, L-R: Francis Gocek, Mgr., Stanley Perkosky, Emil “Reds”
Surgent, Dick Gallagher, Coach, Eddie McGeehan, Andy Repetz, Ed Morgan,
Thank you, Joe, and thank you, Charlie! [Previously scanned at the
YMCA in 2008. Photo courtesy of Tom Landers, Joe Flanagan, and the
Freeland Historical Society.]
FHS varsity basketball team,
1943-1944. L-R back row: Tom MacFadden (manager), Walter McClellan,
George Hutyn, Tom Poltrock, Butch Durso, John Herring -- front row: Ed
Deitch (coach), Frank Kuklis, Bob Lawrence, Mike Zedalis (captain),
Nommie Lakovich, John Watahovich. Photos courtesy of Tom Landers, Joe
Flanagan, and the Freeland Historical Society.
Foster Township
School basketball team, 1944-1945. Left photo from John
Zubach. Foster Township High
School basketball team, 1944-1945. L-R front row: Jakie Shearon, Johnny
Repetz, Frank Kardisco, Statz, Laganosky, Danny Surgent, Mike Nemchick
-- back row: Joe Johnson (coach), Johnny Malchitsky, Johnny Latosky,
Schott, Babe Falatko, Pete Kundra (assistant coach). The center team
photo with names and the ticket are courtesy of Tom Landers, Joe
Flanagan, and the Freeland Historical Society.
FHS 1944-1945.
Front row: ? - Durso - Mischissen - ? - Watahovich - Coach Eddie Deitch
Back row: Fedorshak - Benicaso - Barosky - Laporte - Evancho
Photo from Larry Maso, who wrote: "I
was on the J-Vs 44-45 and knew these guys but Turri was the actual
coach then. I guess Rathey left. The previous year 44-45 I was on the
Foster Township J-Vs so wasn't as familiar with that team.
Incidentally, I enjoyed the 44-45 Foster picture because I knew all
those guys."
FHS 1945-1946.
Front row: Kavitsky - Bradley - Watahovich - Graziano - Boyle
Back row: Coach Herb Rathey - George Barna - Carl Gross - Wally Gross -
Charles Barosky - Asst. John Turri - Inset, ?
Photo courtesy of Larry Maso.
Freeland YMCA
basketball team, 1945-1946. L-R back row: Gene Della Croce (coach), Tom
Mohan, Patsy Corrigan, Jack Gillespie, Tom Palko, John Zedalis
(assistant coach) -- front row: Andy O'Donnell, John Moscovitch, Mike
Zedalis, John Mischissen, Butch Karpowich. Photos courtesy of Tom
Landers, Joe Flanagan, and the Freeland Historical Society.
Freeland basketball
team, 1946 or thereabouts. Photos courtesy of Tom Landers, Joe
Flanagan, and the
Freeland Historical Society.
Zedalis - basketball
shot, 1947. Photo courtesy of Tom Landers, Joe Flanagan, and the
Freeland Historical Society.
basketball team, 1947-1948. Photo courtesy of Janis McClellan Sheppard,
who wrote: Freeland H.S. basketball team. I think #6 is a handsome
fellow. John (Jack) McClellan.
SUGGESTED CORRECTION: Larry Maso says that this photo shows the JV team
year, not the Varsity team. A few
identifications from him: Front row: 3rd from left is
Vitagliano; 5th from left is Bob Mensinger. Back row: At center is Coach Bob
Luckinbill. (Thanks, Larry.)
Zimmerman also identifies this as the FHS JV team of 1948, and
he supplies this list of identifications. (Thanks, Bob!)
From Larry
Maso, here is a
photograph of the 1947-1948 FHS Whippets. Also shown are Larry's
varsity letter and an article about a then upcoming Whippets-Foster
game. In the photo: front row, Victor Dietos (Deitos?), Larry Maso,
Richard Yesilonis, John Barna, William Rachilla. Back row, Edwin Spock
- Manager, John Lawrence, Howard Hontz - Coach, Herman Vitagliano,
Joseph Barna. Missing when the photo was taken: Irving Horn and John
Bobby. Photos courtesy of Larry Maso.
Here at left are boys from Freeland, Foster and
MMI who were part of the annual Lions' Dream Game in which the
Anthracites played against the Mountaineers. Front row: Ray Kostick,
MMI. Second row: Len Sabel, Murray Feingold, Steve Mischissen, all MMI;
John Keyock, Foster. Back row: Billy Rachilla, Larry Maso, FHS; George
Timko and Art Kimmel, Foster. Also shown is an article about the Plain
Speaker's 1948 All-Anthracite Teams, listing the participants and those
receiving honorable mention. Photos courtesy of Larry Maso.
article here says that Larry Maso has made the "all-star quintet"
selected to compete at the annual Bloomsburg STC tournament. Larry also
saved his program from the opening round of the 21st High School
Invitation Basketball Tourney, opening round, March 4, 1948. Here's a
pic of the front page, and the whole program is provided in PDF below.
Photos and program courtesy of Larry Maso.
Clicking the link below will open the Adobe PDF file. If you don't have
Adobe Reader on your computer you can download it for free at www.adobe.com.
21st High School Invitation Basketball Tourney, 1948
- (PDF file size = 1.9 MB)
This photo
of the Freeland High School basketball team from 1950 comes
from Bob Zimmerman. Names written on the photo:
Second row: George Spock, M. Mistizyn, N. Sowa, Sanford Gross, Coach
Howard Hontz, Ed Vitagliano, Bob Mensinger, Joe Slank.
First row: Bob Provizzi, Al Kaminsky, John Bobby, Jack McClellan,
George Bzdil.
Zimmerman shares this photo labeled FHS 1952 Whippets. Bob has also
provided the names of the team members.
FHS basketball team,
1952-1953. L-R front row: Joe Rodzewich, Adolph "Buzz" Peters, Mark
Bredbenner, Jack Amentler, Ralph Ferrari -- 2nd row: Jack Gallagher
(coach), Andy Soltis, Francis Soroko, Jim Lutz, Larry "Bunky" Solarek,
Michael Karboski (faculty manager) -- 3rd row: Joe Zapach (student
manager), Eddie Probert, Goerge Stefanick, Harry Clark, Harry Shalhamer
(student manager). There was confusion about this photo, because the
news reporter mistakenly said 1953-1954, and also misidentified two
players. Soon afterward, a correction was published, shown in the
Merrick copy at right. This photo courtesy of the Freeland Historical
Here are the names of
the players as recorded by Bob Zimmerman. Photo courtesy of the
Freeland Historical Society.
Here at the bottom of
Ed Merrick's copy of the article and photo is the correction that
appeared in the paper Photo courtesy of Ed Merrick.
FHS basketball team, 1955.
L-R front row: Dick Beam, Charley McHugh, Pete Rodzewich, Nick
Mistiszyn, George Cibula, Tom Barna, Steve Clark -- back row: Bob
Hodgson, George Stefanick, Johnn Palko, Tom Zarosky, Mike Yencho, Larry
Solarek, Hal Clark, Jack Gallagher (coach). Absent: Joe Zapach (student
manager). Photo courtesy of the Freeland Historical Society.
Slovaks CYO basketball team, ca.1966. I contacted Joe Falatko,
Jr. to ask about this photo. He wrote: "The Team photo is hanging in my
rec room. It is 1966 (I remember the shirt from a Class Officer picture
my soph. year at Foster). I was too old to play. Top Row: My Dad, Paul
Falatko, Larry Falatko, Mark Ferdinan, Me, Joe Tichi, Bob Miller, Bill
Ondash, Babe Falatko -- Bottom Row:Tom Machella, Joey Brazina, Dave
Kardisko, Cy Falatko, Rich Banas, Paul Ferdinand, Jerry Matisak."
In a
further email exchange the same day, Joe confirmed that these photos
were taken at Foster's gym, which he thought was the home court for
Freeland's CYO games. He said that all of the Catholic churches in
Freeland had CYO teams (including St. Mary's? I'll have to check). I'm
assuming that the Freeland Slovaks was the team of St. John's
Nepomucene Church. Photo courtesy of Tony Sutherland.
Slovaks CYO basketball team, 1960s. Joe commented: "A year or
two later... Standing: ?, Paul Ferdinand, ?, Tommy Falatko, Dan Martin,
Dad -- Seated: George Evancho, Joey Brazina, Jerry Matisak, Cy Falatko,
Gerry Feissner, ? -- Floor: Carl Matisak, Mike Plaksa, Ronnie Matisak."
Photo courtesy of Tony Sutherland.
had originally posted this note here: "Joe
Falatko told me that he only recognizes Cy Falatko and Mike Carr in
this photo. I think that's Father Gorski from St. Casimir's as the
priest in the photo (is it?), and Tony Sutherland told me that one of
the other men was John Grula (but I don't know which). Photo courtesy
of Tony Sutherland."
Joe Plaksa later wrote: I have been
doing newspaper searches and found a photo from the 4.8.1968 Standard
Speaker newspaper that provides the names for the photo you have in the
1960’s section for basketball. Your text states you had spoken to my
cousin, the late Joe Falatko, Jr, and he did not know all the names.
Also, on the photo just above this one for the Freeland Slovaks CYO
team, there is a last name misspelling. The name is Michael
Plaksa. It is a common mistake that the s is put before the k.
Hope this helps with your updates. It is a fantastic site! Keep adding
to it.
Here is the caption text: "HAZLETON-FREELAND CYO PRINCIPALS -- Rev.
Stanislaus Gorski, pastor of St. Casimir's Church, Freeland, presents
Hazleton-Freeland CYO Basketball League championship trophy to Paul
(Babe) Falatko, co-coach of the Freeland Slovaks, at the league's
annual banquet at St. Michael's Hall, Freeland, last night. Also on the
photo, left to right, are John J. Grula, past president of the Freeland
Slovaks Club; Ed Kluck, Transfiguration, most valuable player; Cy
Falatko, Freeland Slovaks, most valuable player, and Mike Carr, league
president." The accompanying article notes that the other co-coach of
the Freeland Slovaks was Joe Falatko, both coaches also received
individual trophies, and they presented the title trophy to John J.
Grula, past president of the Slovak League of America, Freeland Branch.
The championship trophy and most valuable player trophies were donated
by Rev. Gorski, one of the founders of the league, which at the time of
this event had seven teams. [Thanks to Joe Plaksa for sharing this.]
St. Ann's CYO
basketball team, 1969. Bottom row: Dan Gocek, Alex Reckowski, Robert
Gresh, James DellaCroce (Manager), Mark Brennan, Paul Yori, Charlie
Gallagher. Second row: Andrew Breznitsky, Hugh Maloney, John Bereznak,
Jack DellaCroce, Jack Kluck, Marty Kimmel, Coach Thomas Landers. Photo
courtesy of John Bereznak.
MMI vs. West Hazleton, 1964: From Charlie Gallagher: I don’t know
if you ever saw this article on MMI basketball beating West Hazleton
7-5. Yes, that was the end score, MMI 7, West Hazleton 5. He
shares a link to a page about this game on Bill Gaffey's Pennsylvania
Basketball Website with the 1964 Standard-Speaker headline "MMI
'Crushes' West Hazleton 7-5".
YMCA Men's League, 2nd
half champs, 1975. Front row, L-R: J. Bereznak, D. Lutz, C. Ferry, J.
Feno. Back row, L-R: J. Titus, B. Buchman, J. Uhrin, B. Brogan, B.
Balas. Photo and information courtesy of John Bereznak.
Memorial Basketball Tournament, 1976. Front row, L-R: Frank
"Fritz" Herring, Fran "Bear" Brogan, Ted Bollard, Rick Coslett, Jim
Hay, John Skwierz. Back row, L-R: Joe Kutchi, Jeff Fike, Bob Carber,
John Timko, John Lundy, John Bereznak. Photo and information courtesy
of John Bereznak.
FHS Whippet, Anthracite
League Champions, 1981-1982. Wins 26, losses 0. From John Bereznak:
"This is a photo of the 1981-82 Freeland Whippets basketball team.
won the Anthracite League Title in the last year that the league was in
existence. The team was 28-0 before losing the District 11 championship
on a buzzer beater to St. Clair High School at Martz Hall in
Pottsville. The team then lost in inter district play to Dunmore ending
their season at 28-2. The amount of support that this team received
from their fans was unbelievable, selling out gymnasiums both home and
away for every game they played." Front row, L-R: David Breznitzky,
David Lynn, George Barron, Timothy Edwards, Stanley Bruzgulis, Chris
Flanagan. Back row, L-R: Coach Lasecki, Joe Murmello, Joe Sabol, Adam
Hauze, Jim Laputka, Tom LaPorte, Assistant Coach Bereznak. Photo and
information courtesy of John Bereznak.
is the mascot for 1931-1932 Freeland Y.M.C.A. basketball team. His name
is Jack Beltz. Photo
courtesy of Ethel Maso Paoletti from her brother Silvio's scrapbook.