Please email me for additional course information (syllabi, lecture notes, data).
- Decision Making in Groups and Organizations (with Ben Collier). Fall 2014
- Informing Business Decisions through Market Research (with Peter Stüttgen). Spring 2015.
- Introduction to Data-Driven Computer Security (with Daniel Phelps). Planned - Spring 2015
- Introduction the Public Political Process (Fall 2009, UPenn)
- The Political Economy of the Media (Spring 2009, UPenn)
- Agent-Based Models for the Social Sciences (Fall 2008, UPenn)
- Strategic Models of Political Economy (Harvard Gov1015)
- Game Theory (MIT 17.881)
- General Equilibrium, Cooperative Game Theory, Mechanism Design (Harvard Ec2010b)
- Microeconomics I (Harvard Ec2020a)
- Microeconomics II (Harvard Ec2020b)
- Psychology and Economics (Harvard Ec S-1032; CMU 88-302)
- Decision Processes in American Political Institutions (CMU 88-104)