I've had the fortune of working with many wonderful students over the years (listed below). If you're interested in working with me and you already are a CMU student, then feel free to shoot me an email telling me what you're particularly excited about working on, why it overlaps with my research interests, and what skills you've already cultivated.

Current Research Supervision

Past Research Supervision

Past postdoc:

  • Shu Hu (postdoc from Fall 2022 to Summer 2023) → Assistant Professor at Purdue University in Indianapolis, Department of Computer and Information Technology
Past PhD students ("♣" indicates a PhD student who worked with me on a secondary master's in ML, so that I was their master's in ML advisor but not their primary PhD advisor):
  • Helen S. Zeng (PhD 2024) → Assistant Professor at UC Davis Graduate School of Management
  • Yue Zhao (PhD 2023) → Assistant Professor at USC Department of Computer Science
  • Emaad Manzoor (PhD 2021) → Assistant Professor at Cornell University SC Johnson Graduate School of Management
  • Mi Zhou (PhD 2020) → Assistant Professor at UBC Sauder School of Business
  • Wei Ma (master's in ML 2018/PhD 2019) → Assistant Professor at Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Lynn H. Kaack (master's in ML 2018/PhD 2019) → Assistant Professor at the Hertie School
Past master's students: Past undergrads: