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parseLine() - Method in class infixexpression.InfixTokenizer
parses the line and creates an array of Tokens.
peek() - Method in class stackimplementations.LinkedStack
peek() - Method in class stackimplementations.Stack
Abstract method.
peek() - Method in class stackimplementations.StackShifter
peek() - Method in class stackimplementations.StackWithTopPointer
pkg15.pkg121project1 - package pkg15.pkg121project1
pop() - Method in class pkg15.pkg121project1.RPNCalc
This method always returns a value.
pop() - Method in class stackimplementations.LinkedStack
pop() - Method in class stackimplementations.Stack
Abstract method.
pop() - Method in class stackimplementations.StackShifter
Concrete method.
pop() - Method in class stackimplementations.StackWithTopPointer
push(Object) - Method in class stackimplementations.LinkedStack
push(Object) - Method in class stackimplementations.Stack
Abstract method.
push(Object) - Method in class stackimplementations.StackShifter
Concrete method.
push(Object) - Method in class stackimplementations.StackWithTopPointer
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