(PWR) meeting thursday (1987 room), agenda items

From: Matt Toups (mtoups@andrew.cmu.edu)
Date: Thu Feb 07 2002 - 02:54:56 EST

Hello folks.

PWR meeting thursday, 2/7, at 5:30pm.
Class of 1987 room, 2nd floor UC.

We will start off working on a banner and logo
design for our group, something that should come
in handy for our future events. Jamie will be
leading this project.

I believe at the same time Mark Roboff can talk
more on "conspiracy of hope." And Alisha and I
can get us started on our first use of our new
banner tabling next week. Anthony also intends
to put together a group for labor research.

Alisha and I have lots of photos from last weekend's
World Economic Forum protests in New York City.

In addition we're really lucky to have Robin Alexander
come in and report on the World Social Forum in
Porto Allegre, Brasil this past week, a progressive
alternative to the WEF. This will happen at the monthly
PLANTA meeting, same location, at 6:30.

So yeah, see ya'll in the UC,

misc. stuff:

* later thursday 2/7, 7pm, Benedum Auditorium, U. of Pittsburgh.
  Kathy Kelley, founder, voices in the wilderness. She has
  just returned from Iraq and reports on the effects of
  sanctions there.
* also Thurs 2/7 7:30pm, David Lawrence Hall 120 (Pitt) Democratic
  candidate for governor Ed Rendell will speak. Pitt's SIS will grill him.

* Saturday, 2/9 4:30pm - Amnesty hosted activist potluck.
* Sunday, 2/10 3pm David Lawrence 209 - SOA, Terrorism, and Colombia
  Slideshow. A woman from Colombia will speak about her experience.
* Monday, 2/11 9:30 am SEA office - Sports and Exhibition Mtg.
* also Monday, PWR tabling and national USAS day of action for New Era
* Tuesday, 2/12 - Mardi Gras Day
* Wednesday, 2/13 4:30pm, Adamson Wing - Culture Jam, arts in Society Lecture

| People for Workers' Rights
| United Students Against Sweatshops affiliate
| web: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/org/usas
| email: pwr@andrew.cmu.edu
| bboard: assocs.pwr-usas
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