(PWR) saturday: amnesty international sponsored potluck

From: mtoups@andrew.cmu.edu
Date: Thu Feb 07 2002 - 22:25:55 EST

here's the info on the potluck this saturday.

we started the activist potluck tradition,
so we should defintiely show up here. will
be fun. email me if you need a ride from the
oakland/campus area.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 06 Feb 2002 15:02:40
From: Rob Cullen <mighty85@hotmail.com>
To: +dlist+/afs/andrew.cmu.edu/org/amnesty-int/mail/1.dl@andrew.cmu.edu
Subject: amnesty international potluck

hi everyone,

so this saturday at 4:30 there's gonna be an amnesty international sponsored
potluck at the official amnesty headquarters (becky, rob, and angela's
apartment). so come, directions are at the bottom, bring some food if you
can, and yeah, it should be rockin!

rob, becky, angela

p.s. quinten, matt toups, and kim, could you guys forward this to psa,
earth, and usas.

to get there from cmu:
take forbes ave. to murray and go right on murray. take the first left,
just past the movie theater. that's darlington, the road we live on. our
place will be on the left on darlington, right before it hits shady and the
address is 5887 darlington. right now there's a skull painted on the door,
a banner that says gone to punxsutawney and a bear dressed up as a
groundhog, so it's kinda hard to miss :)

| People for Workers' Rights
| United Students Against Sweatshops affiliate
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