(PWR) today: Mexican workers, Charlie Kernaghan, and more

From: mtoups@andrew.cmu.edu
Date: Thu Apr 18 2002 - 11:21:18 EDT

in lieu of a weekly meeting today, we have a special event at
4:30pm in porter hall 126A. Pittsburgh-based Alcoa is being
called out on their labor practices friday morning and we
have a special visit from workers and activists beforehand.
(more info below) let me just say that Charlie Kernaghan is
probably the most prominant anti-sweatshop activist in the US
and this is a BIG DEAL that he's coming to campus. be there.

other reasons to be there:
* want a ride to DC for the big anti-war/anti-globalization protests
  this weekend? we may still be able to get you a ride, talk
  to me.
* next week's events: globalizing solidarity with "life and debt"
  a GREAT talk with some other mexican activists, Robin Alexander
  of the UE, and our own Prof. John Soluri, as well as an AMAZING
  film. tuesday. come by and get flyers, info, etc.
* further living wage plans. we only have one or two more meetings
  left so now is the time to start laying plans for an end
  of the year student-worker bbq and other plans. speaking of
  living wage, check the business section of the tartan for
  their article on our workshop, or

and yeah, have a great carnival. and check the news, thousands upon
thousands are taking to the streets this weekend in DC including
lots from pittsburgh and even our very own CMU.



Thursday 4:30 pm, Porter Hall 126A
Listen & Meet Mexican Alcoa Workers & Labor Rights Activist

Meet and Listen to three Mexican workers who want to tell you
about the abuse, exploitation, and repression at their Alcoa
plant in Acuna, Mexico. They are joined by the National Executive
Director of the National Labor Committee for Labor & Human Rights,
Charlie Kernaghan!

The speakers are Carlos Briones (3 years at ALCOA as a Team Leader),
Amparo Reyes (volently expelled from the union) and Amador Tovar
Santos - they will be joined by Charlie Kernaghan, famous for exposing
the sweatshops behind The Gap, Disney, and Kathie Lee Gifford's clothing line.

| People for Workers' Rights
| United Students Against Sweatshops affiliate
| web: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/org/usas
| email: pwr@andrew.cmu.edu
| bboard: assocs.pwr-usas
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