(PWR) Tuesday: Globalize Solidarity and Life and Debt :: A MUST SEE

From: People for Workers' Rights (pwr@andrew.cmu.edu)
Date: Mon Apr 22 2002 - 11:35:14 EDT

                                        :. CMU hosts a must-see event .:


"Life and Debt offers the clearest analysis of globalization and its
negative effect that I have ever seen on a movie or television screen."
- New York Times

"If you're curious about why the demonstrators are so angry, this is why
they're so angry."
- Roger Ebert

4/23 - tuesday
Dr. John Soluri, CMU History Department
Robin Alexander, UE Director of International Labor Affairs
"Globalize Solidarity" workers from Mexico's Authentic Worker's Front (FAT)

Panelists bring their stories of labor rights struggles to union halls,
churches, universities and other venues throughout the nation. Trained in
both Latin American history and environmental policy, Soluri's work focuses
on the relationship between social and ecological change.

Location: Connan Room, University Center, CMU

10pm FILM
Life and Debt, a film by Stephanie Black

With excerpts from the award-winning non-fiction text "A Small Place" by
Jamaica Kincaid, Life and Debt tells the stories of individual Jamaicans
whose strategies for survival and parameters of day-to-day existence are
determined by the U.S. and other foreign economic agendas. Traditional
documentary and stylized narrative exhibit the complexities of
international lending, structural adjustment policies, and free trade in
the context of the day-to-day realities of the people whose lives they
also visit: http://www.lifeanddebt.org

Location: McConomy Auditorium, University Center, CMU

4/24 - wednesday
Informal Breakfast Gathering

United States Workers' Association will host a light breakfast for workers
from Mexico's Authentic workers front (FAT). All are welcome to attend!

Location: Media Center, Five Gateway Building

for more information: pwr@andrew.cmu.edu

event supporters:
Local Currents, Mudge House
Dr. Indira Nair, Vice Provost for Education, CMU
PWR-United Students Against Sweatshops (USAS)
Alliance for Progressive Action (APA)
Metro Pittsburgh Labor Party
Mon Valley Unemployed Committee
Pittsbrugh Labor Action Network for the Americas (PLANTA)
Students in Solidarity
Thomas Merton Center
United Electrical Workers, District 6
United Steelworkers of America (USWA)

| People for Workers' Rights
| United Students Against Sweatshops affiliate
| web: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/org/usas
| email: pwr@andrew.cmu.edu
| bboard: assocs.pwr-usas
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