The Term Paper Page

Examples of Term Papers and Term Paper proposals from 1997 Telecommunications Management Class
Examples of student term papers from the 1996 Telecommunications Management class

The term paper is an important component of the course and helps students apply the knowledge gained in the course to the focussed study of a particular topic. Information about preparing term paper proposals and terms paper resources is available in this page. Term paper proposals are due Feb 5.

All term papers are due on May 5 and will need to be marked up in HTML. A brief 15 minute overview of the paper needs to be presented to the class on May 5.

Videotapes of the project presentations by the students who took the course in Spring 97 are available. I recommend that you view them early on in the semester to get a sense for what is expected.

Forming a team

The term paper is a team project. The ideal team size is 4 students. All team members will be assessed the same grade.

Preparing the term paper proposal

The objective is to get you started on thinking about the paper and to provide me with enough information to help you produce a quality product. The proposal should be two to three pages long and should contain the following information. Refer to the Textbook and other resources page for project resources.

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Ramayya Krishnan