Are You A Slave Without Knowing It?
With the very rapid advancement of electronic Radio Broadcasting
waves which make not a sound which your ears can detect, untold possibilities
can happen which includes slavery to the persons who control these radio
broadcasting waves. Your entire education of radio was a lie and a cover
up of many facts, which places you in a helpless position to be taken
advantage of in various ways. There are subliminal audio waves, visual
waves, emotional waves, and sensual waves. Alone each can control you,
but, together they are impossible to defeat. An additional worry is that
various drugs can lessen or destroy our will power. Saddest of all is
that subliminal mind messages can be spoken out of your mouth without
your knowledge or consent. Imagine how dangerous it is when someone else
can talk out of your mouth with their message? You might consent to anything,
make an unwanted buy, or sell at a disadvantage, give needed assets away,
agree to commit crime, agree to marry someone or divorce, quit your job,
insult someone or destroy yourself. It is surprising that many persons
making very stupid statements, since they do not realize they were tricked,
do what they way, wiser ones upon reflection withdraw their agreement
which then often causes problem. This describes the world of subliminal
mind control which is a billion dollar funded U.S. Government program.
All out media of books, T.V. magazines, radio and newspapers are in a
conspiracy of silence to not inform you poor citizens. This successful
conspiracy has been going on since 1896. Each president and congress has
continued it as it was a national security issue, but without a cold war
it is not necessary to waste billions of needed tax dollars on it. This
is the advertising, marketing, sales, educational aid, health aid, security
and other use areas of the future. Without warning or informing the public
so many shocking things go on that it amazes the mind. Social solution
issues are going on and will increase as time passes. With placing of
mcro chips in dental fillings, dental false teeth, under the skin of the
head and implants in the brain, mind conrollers can capture a person as
a slave with twenty-four hour control. This does not mean you are safe
without implants for no one is safe as radio subliminal transmitters are
everywhere. Surveillance is now in every light bulb. It is impossible
to escape surveillance unless you are in a closet without a light bulb
or a deep forest without electricity anywhere. As you probably know, your
T.V. watches you whether it is on or off. Modern electronic science has
turned into a nightmare of invading privacy of your mind and body. There
is not one existing law against any of this. Trust no one, believe nothing,
you can not trust the words out of your mouth. To achieve any happiness
you must be paranoid. Our educations must be vastly improved, which subliminal
can do from grammar school through college. These electronic advances
can be used to develop mind exercises to improve and strengthen our intelligence.
We desperately need more Shakespeares, Edisons and Einsteins. A few Thomas
Jeffersons might solve these problems of science advancements which are
totally neglected at this time. Mail censorship is another accepted government
practice for dozens of reason. No lawyer will sue as all know no federal
court will allow a win in censorship. Innocents as well as guilty are
mail censored. Consumer, human rights, environmentalists and any other
trouble makers are experiencing mail censorships problems, of course slave
mind control guinea pigs are mail censored to insure no one tells them
of their problem. Many thinkers state our government is doing this for
a future of our population as in India and Pakistan. The many poor will
have to be mind controlled for security.
Our problem is to force media to tell the trust. Our chant
should be “Truth, Truth Big Brother, Please Truth.” Then to
force congress to spend money on only positive needs of society. There
is no way to put this cat back into the bag. A raft of laws are needed
to protect us with a thought police to supervise enforcement. God help
us. The history of man shows tyranny rules whenever conditions permit.
This conspiracy of silence is called the greatest in the history of man
for every country in the world does it. The cruelty of man to man will
never end. Why does congress do this to us? This is another reason for
term limits. Please write your man of God and ask him of subliminal mind
control. All of our religions use this as a religious inquisition in dreams
forcing Jesus to return to stop it. I cry for all the innocent victims
of free America who has returned to slavery. Liberty is only a prayer
of many American while they tell us it is a guarantee. Freedom is not
a gift. You must fight to protect it.
Robert Roy Lansberry
May 1996